I also took a few shots of this new condo building in the Foggy Bottom area - strange in DC for being so modern. You can see here that it ends in a SHARP point to the right - seriously it's a triangle.
Those units must be really interesting inside, but I think this building is really successful on the whole! Just nice to mix it up a bit architecturally here in DC!
I noticed my little tree out front beginning to bud a bit! YAY!
It's that time of year, PD! I love it!!
and I've spotted tulips here in SF . . .
nice pics...i wonder how the rooms with the point are utilised?!? it'll be interesting to see interior shots at some point...
i'm also surprised to assume that modern architecture like that is a bit uncommon in DC...
here in Dublin the architecture of late has produced some amazing and unique buildings along our quays and inner city street fronts...really interesting too see how awkward sites are utilised...
Finally SPRING! I hate European winters our version of winter is 3months of gray skies and rain.
It's so nice to see some blue skies, sunshine and those little lambs on the Pastures.
I can see tons of crocuses and daffodils from my window, but it doesn't feel like spring...yet!
love that building in foggy bottom..i drive by it at least twice a week.
It's that time of year, indeed! Funny how it just sneaks up on us.
I don't know if I'm losing my modernist "edge" or what, but I just don't like buildings that look like they would cut you if you touched them.
Aside from that, yay Spring!
Parley in Phoenix
I'm thinking people might not fight so much for the corner office there...
There's nothing better than noticing those first signs of spring!
i'd love to see a few interior images!
Isn't the touch of Spring exciting?
Things are starting to bloom here in "hot-lanta"! I noticed on my bike ride last night so many daffodils and the Bradford Pear trees are in full bloom. Remind me somewhat of the Cherry Blossoms, only white and the stink! Cherry Blossom time is around the corner for you!
PS... thanks for your support yesterday! much appreciated!
We just got snow here in Victoria - I need good weather promptly (lol)
That sharp building is cool. I don't know how usable the interiors are but the exterior is really nice.
wasn't there just snow on the ground? that doesn't stop the flowers? amazing!
Holy flowers, I'll get to the point,take us inside the triangle, please.
Well, I photographed the buiding actually because it's the exterior of an interior that was featured recently on 'things that inspire' -you can see the interiors post at her website at
It's a beautiful marriage of traditional furniture to modern architecture
Wow - great to see the exterior of this building! I am going to go back and look at my post. Only a few pictures of rooms of the condo were on my post, none of which seemed to be 'pointy'. I am going to ask the designer how the pointy part was utilized.
Stefan, Here's the website for the building. lots of floorplan porn. jefff
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