I'm late to the game, I know,
My Notting Hill and
Homer's Odd isn't He have already talked about this better than I could. I'll put my own spin on the evening though!

I went with a coworker and of course we first hit up the very well stocked bar; lots of munchies too! I got to meet the one author/editor of the book, Dara Caponigro who is an editor at domino and we talked for awhile as she signed my copy of the amazing book. She is the most gracious and friendly woman. Turns out her son and I share the same name! We had a nice talk for about 10 minutes before I went on to meet some blogger friends!

Here is the picture of me with Michele from My Notting Hill and Bob from Homer's Odd towards the end of the evening. It was so nice to meet some fellow local bloggers who appreciate DC and what it has to offer as much as I do :-)

The gift bag was really generous! Not only did it include a copy of the magazine, but the host of the party,
Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams, provided each guest with a piece of pottery! I got this beautiful green bowl. A friend of mine got a matching elaborate covered box. I was jealous but happy with my gift :-)

The store was beautifully, but not over-the-top decorated for the season. My notting hill took a lot of great pictures of the store and what it had to offer.

I think the decorations weren't over the top and really showed off the pieces well. Purple and green is such a pretty combo, don't you think?

The flowers were beautiful!
Lodadesigns (who got the covered box) really loved the flowers and blogged about them beautifully.

Towards the end of the party, it got a little less packed and I was able to get some pictures of the showroom and the crowd.

Everyone was having a GREAT time! Thanks again to Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams for a wonderful evening and gift bag!! Thanks also to Dara Caponigro for being such a pleasure to chat with!