If like me, you prefer to shop in stores and not online, the place you might do this in DC is in Georgetown. I'm lucky enough to work here and can shop during my lunch breaks and after work, but for those of you who aren't locals, I thought I'd share some of my favorite holiday decorations!

It all started when
Mrs. Blandings posted about her nutcrackers she was making for her front door. It reminded me of these HUGE 12' tall nutcrackers outside of Clydes! There were smaller versions outside of the restaurant Old Glory - probably 5 1/2' tall.

While not decorated for the holidays, the new Janus et Cie store looked pretty festive to me with the new free-standing gold-leafed topiary over the doorway. It really pops against the grey painted brick. Every lightpost along M street is decorated with an enormous wreath and silver ribbon like this one.

ULTRAviolet flowers florists had beautiful topiaries outside their storefront.
PVE's own J McLaughlin has the most glamorous and prettiest holiday decorations. The front door is surrounded by a swag of Magnolia leaves.

The side windows have branches spray painted white with multi-colored ornaments hanging on them -so pretty!

One of the front windows had this very glam and sparkly christmas topiary in a silver urn.

Even our office got into the spirit! We have a pretty Christmas tree in our lobby and everyone made an ornament to go on it (unfortunately most people took their ornaments down already!)

I made this pretty dove - notice the paperclip garland!

A coworker of mine made this pretty snowflake to go on top of the tree.

I hope this gets you into the holiday spirit!