While in Atlanta one of the many shops I stopped into was an architectural salvage shop unlike any I had been to before, Architectural Accents. This isn't your run of the mill junk shop with beat up doors and bathtubs, they carry the finest architectural salvage / antiques from Europe as well as new custom hardware and other fixtures needed in any high end renovation to an old house or NEW old house.
I might as well admit I died and went to heaven -this was my favorite spot in Atlanta!
Each door I saw was my next favorite. Imagine building a house utilizing of some of these pieces. Thousands of doors to choose from.
I loved the elegant proportions to the paneled door on the left above.
Notice how all of the antique doors have already been repaired and stripped of many layers of (lead) paint -ready to use in your own project!
My favorite door was actually a pair of circa 1870 double doors from an old mansion in France which features hand painted scenes from La Fontaine's fables.
I would happily build a living room around these doors. The prices were very reasonable as well - about what you'd pay for custom, high quality new doors (without the character!)
The oak Tudor staircase below also caught my attention.
There were 1000's of mantels to choose from. You can even order your own new mantel if you don't find an antique that suits you!
The impressive solid wood example above from France is enormous -don't let the scale fool you.
Perhaps some English mantels might be to your taste instead?
The mantel above retains its beautiful hand painting.
Imagine the carved mantel above in a knotty pine library.
The perfect iron fireback for any architect above - a Grecian temple with Greek key surround!
There are no shortage of light fixtures either, both interior and exterior.
These brass French lanterns would make a big statement in any stairwell or entry hall.
Notice the many options for Cremone bolts on the wall above. The shop is enormous but still packed to the gills with fabulous house parts.
The beautiful iron railings are a steal! Like any good salvage yard there are plenty of parts and pieces below to repair your old house as well.
My favorite item that is made-to-order is custom leather book edge binding to line faux shelves - made to any length that you require. Perfect if you want to match a hidden door detail like at Meridian House (see that post HERE and notice the Jib door in the library)
Be sure to stop into Architectural Accents the next time you're in Atlanta, you won't regret it. I can't wait until my next visit!
Unexpected gifts
9 hours ago