I was tagged by my friend Laura at With Love from Pittsburgh and I'm always up for a challenge!
1. What are the last 3 things you purchased?
-more dishes from ebay, I just can't stop!
-Verners rootbeer from Dean and Deluca (the best!)
-lunch at chipotle
2. What are the last 3 songs you downloaded?
-I recently downloaded the album 'Between the Lines' by Janis Ian, I don't really believe in downloading individual songs, not sure why.
-the album 'bring ya to the brink' by Cyndi Lauper ( sooo good!)
-Tolomeo (opera) by Handel
3. Where were the last 3 places you visited?
Dean and Deluca courtyard
4. What are your 3 favorite movies?
OK -this is probably impossible for me to do -i have 100's of 'favorite movies' but here are 3 in no particular order:
-Gigi (1958)
-Marie Antoinette (both the new and old versions, 2006 & 1938)
-Mary Poppins (1964)
-thoroughly modern millie (1967)
-funny face (1957)
-Great Expectations (1998)
-ok i'll stop or this list will take all day long
5. What are your 3 favorite possessions?
my books and magazines (yes, all of them - it's a COLLECTION)
my dishes (yes, all of them again)
my condo
6. What 3 things can you not live without?
-my friends
-design magazines
-beautiful music
7. What would be your 3 wishes?
-to win the lottery, I won't lie about this one-it's true....
-a long life for all my family and friends ( and me! )
-a cure for alzheimers
8. What are 3 things you have not done yet?
-visited Venice
-been married
-had my own project as an architect under my own name
9. What are your 3 favorite dishes?
-sour patch kids
-sharp cheddar cheese
10. What 3 celebrities would you want to hang out with the most?
-Kathy Griffin (she would be SOOO fun!)
-Martha Stewart (my idol)
-Miles Redd (my favorite designer)
11. Name 3 things that freak you out
12. If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?
I don't like this question...hmmmm
-modest (well, obviously if I hate talking about myself)
-3 (i'll fill these in later.......)
13. Name 3 unusual things you are good at.
-the piano
-i have an 'eye'
-architecting (yes, it can be a verb.......)
14. What are 3 things you are currently coveting?
-a dog -yorkshire terrier
-a bigger condo -1 bedroom
-a LONG vacation
Glimpses into the Past
2 hours ago
Oh, PRECIOUS! We are the same person in so many ways!! I just bought dishes from ebay yesterday--milk glass, surprise surprise! And I'm not exactly sure WHERE on earth I expect to put them, because, um, I'm running out of room due to the already ridiculous number of dishes I already own. I have an illness. It's true.
So, a cure for alzheimers? This may be a bit forward, but do you know someone suffering from it? I wish for a cure for schizophrenia, as my mother suffers from it. Oh, health problems...they make me so sad.
I'm SO glad you played along with my tag! YAY! I love reading more about you!
with love from Pittsburgh...
Yes, I'm out of room for dishes too! It really is an illness! But (in going with GREEN topics) all the dishes I buy are used so at least it's not hurting anyone or the environment!
My grandfather has alzheimers and at an old job in pittsburgh I worked for an architecture firm that designed Alzheiemers care centers (a lot of thought goes into them, it's like a science). I've just always been interested in it -it's such a horrible disease that will just become more important as we all live longer!
this was delightful! Sour Patch kids as a dish? Do you separate the colors?
I have a strange addiction to them, DF! I could eat them all day long -i dare not buy one of the 'family sized' bags.......yikes! I don't seperate the colors -although I do have a fondness for the reds and the yellows (cherry and lemon). I guess the green is my least fav (lime)
Damn, you are cute.
--Yeah, THAT Anon
Mary Poppins... love that movie, too. I saw it when I was little, just after we'd come back from England, and I had a hard time distinguishing between the scenes in the movie, and what we'd seen and done when we were there, since they overlapped.
haha -thanks - T.a. (THAT anonymous)
I guess then that Mary Poppins is fairly accurate then?? Thats pretty cool!
Hey - this Anonymous is going to have to keep an eye on that other anonymous! This Leo is protective and little jealous! >:(
I can't stop buying porcelain cake stands from anywhere, inlcuding ebay.
I think people have forgotten the art of a good high tea party with cakes, finger sandwiches, scones and clotted cream. My husband has inherited two lovely sets from his late grandmother, one Limoge and one Spode, and I love taking them out.
Funnily enough, no one from his family wanted "the boring ol china" so i was lucky to get it!
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