Do you watch Project Runway? I'm excited for the new season! It should be pretty good as we have some interesting....uh....characters on this season and as always Michael Kors tells it like it is -and I love him for that.
Probably the most interesting, and slightly scary contestant is Blayne (well, he's tied with Suede - is that even a name??). This was his creating....interesting diaper bathing suit right? The top looks like a skirt that is permanently stuck up in 'flasher' mode.....oy vey.......2 thumbs DOWN

The LOSER from the competition was Jerry - a really really pompous designer who really was the most annoying person I've seen on tv in a long time. I was so happy he was kicked off! You gotta have the goods to backup your talk, Jerry. Like they said on the show -it looks like a psycho killer's outfit.

This was the winner's outfit by Kelli. Hard to tell from the photo, but the details were beautiful. However, the coffee filters make a flat chested model look even MORE flat chested. bad move.....

I secretly loved this dress by Kenley. Isn't this a fun party dress? This was probably the prettiest model, too! Turquoise and red -my favorite color combo!!

This was the runner-up (for being the loser) -the designer, Stella -was REALLY whiney. Like - work with it lady - she kept complaining but didn't work at all! No wonder the dress turned out awfully. I think maybe the bones of this piece were ok, but it was cut very unattractively. It looked like the garbage bags it was. And I'm sorry, but those shoes are SOOOOO ugly!!

This had poor ratings on the bravo website, but I loved this piece as well by Emily. I see great things coming from her hopefully. The dress itself was cute and the little sweatery neck thing is colorful, fun and pretty!

This dress by Korto was probably the most fabulous. The dress itself was magnificent - great workmanship. Then she was the only designer to up the ante of the challenge -she used fresh produce! While that's sort of icky -it was the challenge!! This kimino style dress in yellow with the green and red accent (done beautifully for being garnish, literally) is really really probably the most couture piece in my book.

Props to Daniel for this beautifully done dress. While not produce, it's an unusual material ( plastic solo cups) and meets the requirements in a sophisticated manner. He seems like his workmanship will be impecable.

Can't wait for the rest of the season!
tivo'd it. will watch it tonight. it'll never be as good as the first season but it's fun to watch ; )
If there were a show for project architects, I would bet on you to win! Love the way you write and your design aesthetic is innate.
I never saw the first season, Paul, so I guess I don't know what I'm missing! The guest judge was someone from the 1st season though so at least you'll enjoy that!
wow, thanks PVE! I would love to know what you think of project runway with your fashion background! Do you watch it?
:( I have so little patience for tv -and lately a problem keeping my eyes open, so I am usually tucked in early, with a good book. Early to bed, early to rise. However - I will watch it for you & my dear friend Kwana writes.... see her take. You two will have lots to trash-talk!
Oh, the books were sent and when you get them, let me know! I know you will blog about them!
You know I will, PVE; I can't wait! Thats so kind of you and your friend!
Wow. I love your re-cap and totally agree with your take on it. I thought Korto was fab. She'll be one to watch. I'll be back to read what you have to say next week. Thanks for visiting me.
I adore this post. Whats with Blayne's sniffling? And that Tan - oy! And totally agree- I thought he coffee filters were sad.
Ya james! I mean - that winning dress started out so good with the hooks and the beautifully dyed skirt and then the top. OH MY the top!
great comments! can't wait to see what you have to say for the rest of the season. I loved the turq and red also.
Thanks, Pritz! I'll be watching and most likely commenting LOL -i can't help myself!
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