Another book which makes its debut this spring is on an architect who needs no introduction. Robert Adam, Country House Design, Decoration & The Art of Elegance by historian Jeremy Musson from Rizzoli is really the definitive book on the Scottish architect who transformed the face of Neoclassicism.
The photographs by the late Paul Barker are among the best I've ever seen of these oft-published projects which defined a style; the Adam Style. The architect was truly a Renaissance man designing parks, buildings, and furniture; an entire environment really, while also serving as a member of British Parliament (1768-1774)!
Nearly 250 years later his projects still astonish with their use of ornament and color in revolutionary ways.
These iconic spaces are instantly recognizable as the work of one man. This volume which covers many of his remaining projects have miraculously not changed centuries later -a testament to their timeless design.
Robert Adam delves into his design process, with many reproduced drawings, which is a must for any modern designer. How does one design for the long term and what is the thought process? This book is a must-have for any reference library as the definitive collection of this master architect, Robert Adam.
© RobertAdam: Country House Design, Decoration and the Art of Elegance by Jeremy
Musson, Rizzoli New York, 2017. Images may not be reproduced in any way.
c. 1829 in Rockbridge Baths, VA
12 hours ago
Looks absolutely divine! (I am a Neoclassicist to the core.) : )
Great post on a great book!
Love Neoclassicm. Can't wait to see it. And maybe now a few people will stop saying "Adams style" and start saying "Adam style". ;-)
This sounds like a nice book to have in one's collection. Another book by Jeremy Musson worth considering is his 'The Country Houses of Sir John Vanbrugh'. I love that book!! Kirk
I keep thinking I am done buying books...then you come along. lol
Looks like something I need.
I'm very excited to know about this book, as Robert Adam has always been a great inspiration to me. I own a thin 1993 volume on Robert Adam drawings (which is unfortunately without any color plates), so this will make up for it.
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