The lower half is unfortunately as realistic, ahhhh snakes! This allegory, as so much else at the Getty from the time period, portrays the birds (aristocracy) protecting their feathered nests from the snakes (revolutionaries). I suppose we know who won and now we enjoy the fruits of the snakes' labor as so many of the aristocrat's belongings are now in the hands of museums such as the Getty; very...mixed...feelings.
Baxter Springs, KS
7 hours ago
this is amazing.
i would love to see this in person.
i hope this comment finds you well.
come and see today's post
on a fine miami home builder.
i would love to know who the architect is.
Exquisite, Stefan! That alone is worth a trip to the Getty. Do you know of Grinling Gibbons? We saw an exhibition of his carvings, including the "lace" cravat which was just wonderful. At the Swan House, (Philip Schutze) here in Atlanta, there is a delightful carving above the library fireplace in the style of Gibbons.
Stefan It is indeed gorgeous, I try to imaging the artist painstakingly devotion to realism in this kind of art.
At least it is at the Getty, where it can be enjoyed by many..
Art by Karena
I am enjoying this series of your California trip immensely. I haven't been to Los Angeles for ages (my favorite hotel there is the Bel Air), and now I am mad to go. I haven't been to the Getty since it was expanded from the Roman villa, which struck me as rather kitsch when I visited it years ago (more like a guilty pleasure, actually). These interiors are amazing! Reggie
No words to describe how incredible this work is. Art like this takes my breath away. Can you even imagine being able to create something like that?! Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely exquisite!! This reminds me that I must order the book!!
Pretty damn amazing!
By the way, come visit my new home. It's casually pretentious. I think you'll like it!
An amazing work of art, all the more amazing because it has survived all these years without damage!!
beyond wonderful!
Just stunning!
Very great carving ! Love his work .
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