Nestled behind the Institut de France in St. Germain is a quiet, charming little park with some unusual features.

Notice anything odd? cobblestones, trees, lanterns, benches......

This fountain looks ok -charming even.

Oh yes -the benches look like open books! I loved these whimsical places to sit and perhaps.....read!

Just don't let the creepy statue of the monk across the street scare you away!
What an adorable park, creepy monk and all!
I love that you are an "open book" and that you wear your heart on your sleeve!
Creepy man made me smile. Thanks!
i wish i were there !!
(with my cafe and chocolate croissant)
My mother lived near there when she was a little girl, I have been in that park. Am loving all your Paris posts.
Book Benches !
Laura -what a small world!
Thanks all -I just loved finding the little quirky and unusual things in Paris (and then share them here as inspiration!)
He is creepy! LOL
a good book deserves a great post! (another one) GT
Stefan-Wonderful benches.
Hi, we just returned from Paris (ahhhh....) and, while there, visited this little park based upon your write up and pictures. It is so wonderful, such a peaceful little park. And those benches! Priceless. The park is called Square Gabriel Pierné, just so you all know, and the directions to get there are perfect. Paris is the best. Thank you again so much for letting us know about this, Greg
Anon - glad you could find it and thanks for the information! I'll be heading back in May and plan on visiting Square Gabriel Pierné again!
Hi, this is Greg, the one who earlier mentioned that the little park is called Square Gabriel Pierne. Just got back from Paris and wanted you to know I revisited the place...just wonderful. Oh, and the creepy dude statue is none other than Voltaire! So there you have it. He's probably leering at the park the way he is so that, with any luck, the birds can be scared away. :) Take care, all the best and au revoir! Greg
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