I spent the weekend in Houston, TX - remember how I mentioned I was going someplace warm and sunny? Warm, comparitively at least for a northerner like me, but it ended up being gray and drizzly unfortunately :-(

I spent Saturday with the super stylish Joni of Cote de Texas. We met for lunch at the yummy Raven Grill (which has an adorable trained pet chicken roaming around the front of the restaurant, seen below) in Rice Village and then hit some of her favorite shops, many of which she has mentioned in her blog.
The shopping is as fabulous as Joni claims and her taste was exquisite of course! She kept pointing out hidden treasures that I might have missed otherwise and was full of great stories about each store! I coudln't have had a more knowledgeable tour guide. I'll show some of my favorite pieces from our adventure. I forget the names of some of the stores but will write them in where I can remember!
By far, my favorite shop was 'AREA'. Unfortunately as I was busy shopping I didn't take many photos, just these 2. The store has a great mix of antiques and modern pieces, books and gifts -all put together very creatively, sort of like a fabulous house. I could have spent all day in this store alone but there was so much more to see.....
Thanks for the virtual shopping trip- the shops look gorgeous! Hope I'll be in Houston one day soon... for the fabulous shops and maybe to catch a glimpse of Joni in designing action!
Aw, so sweet! I loved meeting you and your "in laws" - everyone was so sweet and super friendly!! Hi y'all!!! btw - that candle smells so good - I'm sorry you didn't buy one for yourself! You would love it. Can't wait for your next visit down = but you have to come in the summer so you can really sweat!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So glad you and Joni had a chance to meet. I am leaving on Thursday for Houston. Hope the weather is better...has to be better than Scotland!
Looks like you had a great time! I love Houston, and used to live there, but I have never seen this side of it.
Stefan - How lucky to meet the fabulous Joni! Wish I could have shopped with you. I think I could move right into either of the last two stores. We have been having absolutely perfect weather in Tampa – blue skies and 70s – but the shopping is not as great.
It kills me that you and I live 40 miles away and haven't met!!!
Oh, what fun! I remember telling Joni about you, so I feel somewhat like a match-maker. Two stylish lights in the blog world, both passionate about design and architecture. Show us what you bought!
Good heavens (!) . . . what a great day of shopping. I can't quite decide what I like the most . . . lol. It all look so yummy.
Lucky you to have a day shopping with Joni!! I'm envious.
How much fun for you to be with Joni for the day...I too am envious!
Shopping with Joni would be a dream come true! How lucky for both of you. Can't wait to see the goodies she posts. I have never met a blogger more willing to connect and help than Joni. I know the day was fun and informative.
great pictures! go texas! now i wanna go shopping.
How fun!! I'm with PVE - would love to see what you bought.
It was a great trip, everyone :-) Unfortuately, I coudln't make up my mind, so except for a hostess gift of a candle I bought NOTHING! Next time I go though that means I can splurge!
Always nice to meet other bloggers! Wish I could have been there.
wow wee
lucky you.
great pics.
and you should have bought those pics, they looked beautiful !!
-and they were framed too !!
i LOVE the wall of framed antique weeds! ... the first shot of AREA is filled with so many beautiful things ... that chair is genius!
Great shops. Great picture hanging too...just been doing that aswell. Read all about it. Soon.
Clever you two. What a joy to meet up!
(*from a far off land....*)!!
What a fun day. I am jealous - living in a small town we have a few great shops, but I think of Houston as having tons, and really, really fabulous antiques, too! Great pics.
So many intriguing shops and such a charming tour guide! Lucky man!
How fun for you!!!
Now come to New Orleans next so I can spoil you too!
And that means you too Joni!
xo xo
Looks like you had a great visit. Yay for shopping, and I bet Joni was a great guide! Thanks for the great photos and the tour!
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