This crazy looking store is not in Holland -instead it's on lovely Cape Cod....and they don't sell wooden shoes -it's a discount bargain store! Check out those shopping carts in the lower right hand corner. I've just always thought it was sort of kitschy Vegas......

It's right under the Sagamore Bridge if you don't believe me! The store is called 'the christmas tree shoppe' but it's really just a dollar store, that also sells holiday decorations.
That looks like one of the Christmas Tree Shop stores! Am I remembering it right? We drove by this store this past December.
Oh I'd love to go crazy there.
no, not the place mnh - this place is just a cheap, tacky dollar store type place!!
I love the look of that bridge.
I also thought the indoor garden was cool.
Great blog! I've been here before but can't recall if I commented.
I'm right there with you on being "obsessed with design". Thanks for your efforts here.
That is a FANCY $ store!!! WOW!
very outside the box. love it!
I don't know if I told you that your new header is stunning. Patricia is working on a new logo and header for me right now. I love her style!!!
This is part of the Christmas Tree Shops chain here in Mass. I live about 25 minutes north of there and my parents live about five minutes away in Sandwich. All the stores have a kitschy exteriors - but they are local legends and have a great business track record. This the place to go for cheap and cheerful holiday decor, baskets, glassware, etc. Definately NOT a dollar store.
Yes, Linda, I heard it was a chain. Do you know of any pictures of the other stores? I hear they're all different but this was the original one. We had a lot of fun going through the store! It's not a dollar store, but it is a 'budget' store isn't it? Maybe not......it felt like one inside!
Oh, it's definitely budget - no question. But, you can find anything from stationary to Christmas lights, foods and great spices to garden items. As a matter of fact, my lilac bushes came as twigs from the Tree and so do some of my dishes. As I said above, cheap and cheerful! Their website is http://christmastreeshops.com/ which shows the different shops. This isn't the first. The original was a tiny store front in Yarmouth, MA 30 or so years ago. The stores are actually now owned by Bed, Bath & Beyond, they were bought out a few years ago.
I wished I'd known you were in the area - I would have loved to stop by!
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