I'm longing to get away; Are you too? The holidays, the election, the start of winter, it's all exhausting!! Tell me, where would you go? While a trip to Italy or Spain is out of the cards for me this year due to finances, I am going to Houston next month! Anyone ever been? Recommendations?
Photo of the Breakers, in Newport, RI.
I have always wanted to go to Mauritius or India, or Iceland!
Texas, ask Ronda at All the Best or Joni - both shining Texas stars!
Patricia, I plan on visiting Joni and spending a day with her, I can't wait!! Good idea about asking Ronda!
I love Houston. You must get a tour of the Menil house. It will blow your mind. Pay close attention to the bedroom doors sheathed in raspberry-pink silk velvet and the brightly painted insides of closets.
It's on the list now, AL! Any recommendation from you :-) And little secrets like painted closets are always my favorite detail! Hope you got my email.
Call Joni!
Oh I am so envious, I would love to be visiting Joni with you. Have a great time in Houston!
Last time I was in Houston I stayed at the Hotel Icon, and it was a great hotel in a great location. Plenty of restaurants and bars within walking distance and a top notch staff. If you like steak a trip to Pappas Bros. is a must (this is Texas afterall).
You will have a blast I am sure! Please take lots of pictures! And give my best to Joni.
Hmmm... where to go for a vacation? I have been very interested in Wales lately. Lots of castles. Thanks to Meg from Pigtown, my daughter has been looking into a school with a Medieval castle on the campus. Oh, the possibilities!
Wishing you the happiest of Holiday Seasons, and a very PROSPEROUS New Year!!!! (For us all I hope!) :)
I am so looking forward to going to the Riviera in January. The advantage is, I live in England so it's not expensive for me - a cheap and cheerful Easy Jet flight. I've been to Dallas, but never Houston.
Brits are so funny - they pronounce Houston as
Hoo-ston. Wishing you a fun Texas holiday !!
Having been to Europe this year, I'm in the mood for an easy week of doing nothing by the pool in Palm Springs.
Also be sure to drive through River Oaks. Some houses are ghastly but others are absolutely divine. Fantastic architecture from the 1920s, some a bit seriously over-restored, but hey, that's Houston. The other bizarre thing about the city is there is no zoning. Everything is a huge mismatch. But unbelievably vibrant, and fabulous people. Design Sponge did a fine Houston guide: http://www.designspongeonline.com/2008/03/houston-design-guide.html
AAL, that is a great little article, I'm so glad you brought it to my attention! My trip will be full now, besides meeting the BF's family. NERVES!
Marsha - the Riviera, I'm so jealous! I still plan on my week on cape cod later this year -not nearly as glamorous!
I am heading to the Caribbean a week from Friday! 10 days of pure splendor!
Always gets the year off to a great start....
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