I was so excited about the Petit Trianon that when I got home last night I took out my book on Petit Trianon right away and had to scan some of the images in to share with you. The book is the 1913 Boston Architectural Club Year book. The Boston Architectural Club was sort of like an AIA - it was a continuing eduction type of club that architects could belong to. They produced a yearbook every year on a different subject. In 1913 it was on the Petit Trianon.

About 225 pages are devoted to it - first a brief history, then site plan and floor plans (pictured ), some photos, detailed drawings of every room ( you could practically build it! ) and then some furniture working drawings of Marie Antoinette's furniture! The rear has a few envois drawings of students ( I'll do a posting on these drawings later ) and then some really interesting ads. You can find the book around through some antique vendors ( I did a quick froogle of it and found 2 up for sale on the WWW ).
section, plan and elevation of stair hall
a typical window detail and elevation - mirrored side panels!
drawing showing the detailed flooring and paneling of the dining roomWhile the first floor has a very logical and well thought out floor plan, the '2nd' floor is a warren of little bedrooms. I was surprised to read that the 'closets' off the bedrooms were actually where servants slept! How awful! I mean -these literally ARE closets!
detail of 'MA'
monogram on paneling in stair hall
The main room is the dining room, with the secondary main room being the salon ( isn't that backwards?? ). I know that these names are merely just terms and furniture in the 18th century was built to be moved around -so basically any room could be used for any purpose. Hence the light weight and delicacy of 18th century furniture. In the days before air conditioning and heating, you just stayed in the most comfortable room based on natural conditions and had servants bring in the dining table, sofa, dressing table or whatever piece you may require.
dressing table at Petit Trianon
Marie Anoinette's bedroom (s) were the small ones off the salon shown here. They are only 1/2 height and have another set of bedrooms right above her ( for her closest friends! ). The section shows this relationship more clearly.
section - on the right hand side of the lower one you see MA bedrooms off the salon with lower ceilingI hope you enjoyed this 2 part lesson on the Petit Trianon!
site plan of petit trianon ( square on the right side ), gardens and auxiliary buildings
Nice scans, and nice blog. Could you please to put it in high quality or send on Andrew_arcanum@mail.ru ? my regards.
Nice blog...and great plans of Petit Trianon.....I hope you can and will email some of them to me.
Since I'm working on a modelscale of it...I couldn't buy some at Versailles last week.
Thanks for your time
I cant find this book anywhere, or on google books. Froogle doesnt exist any more as far as im concerned.
will you email the link to me?
Im building my own trianon, as I said earlier, I need this book! :D
Hi Stefan,
I've looked for years for these plans - at least a decent version of them - and now you found them, with elevations and details of the (stunning) staircase. Could you please, please, please send me the scans in higher quality too ? I intend to build a model of the Trianon.
Best of luck in your practice of architecture. Bob
Hi Stefan,
I've looked for years for these plans - at least a decent version of them - and now you found them, with elevations and details of the (stunning) staircase. Could you please, please, please send me the scans in higher quality too ? I intend to build a model of the Trianon.
Best of luck in your practice of architecture. Bob240964@yahoo.fr
Thanks, thanks and more thanks!
I've been searching for these plans for months!
They're wonderful!
Please, send me them too in a higher quality. My e-mail is samuel_v_bologna@hotmail.com
Please, send me the plans of the Trianon in a higher quality. My e-mail is samuel_v_bologna@hotmail.com
hey these r fab! thx soo much
can u send bigger versions to me at curlz94@gmail.com i cant read any of the words......
Thank you very much for sharing those with us, I was looking for plans like this for a long time but could not find any. Would you have by any means also drawings of the bedroom furniture? And please can you also mail me the plans in high resolution, this would be highly appreciated. skyeurope@yahoo.com
Thanks, more thanks :)
Can You please, send me the detail, furniture working drawings of the Trianon in a higher quality. My e-mail is zalais2002@inbox.lv
have a nice day :)
Thanks for posting these beautiful pictures of this jewel. Could you please email higher quality to me?
Many thanks.
hi.. really interesting blog.can you pls send me the scans of the elevations and plans as i'm doing an assignment for my history of architecture class.
my email address is joslynmagro@hotmail.com
i would really appreciate it.
thx alot
I have an important university assignment about the petit trianon and i have been searching all over for its plans.
Can you please send me the plans with better resolution because i need to build a small physical model of the interior please.
Thank you for your help.
Ivynne Grixti
University of Malta
Hi, I also have an univeristy assignment about the petit trianon and it would really help me to have those plans. Can you send me a higher version of scan of plans and elevations?
thank you!
Université du Québec à Montréal
I loved this post! I was wondering if you could send me larger scans of the pictures @ georgiabelle1@msn.com
What a fantastic blog and this article on the Petit Trianon is terrific. If you could spare the time to send me a set of the plans, I would be extremely grateful (tacitus2@hotmail.co.uk)
Hi, Oh my gosh... this is perfect. I have to build a model of the entry facade my history class. I been looking everywhere to find good pictures and information for the module used but there was'nt much. I will really really appreciate it if you could email me the information, plans and sections for the entry facade. (bparinaz@gmail.com) :)
Your web site is great! I'm an Interior Design student studying the space. Will you please e-mail me the information with higher quality images. Good luck with your career.
I've been looking for these plans for 6 years, now!
may I ask you to send me higher quality scans of these plans, please??
Ce serait grandement apprécié!
Grand merci
PS sorry for my really bad english
Hi! Thanks for the great post with the scans of Petit Trianon. I'm definitely going to look for that book, and others in the series.
The plans are really intriguing. I was only able to see the Petit Trianon from the outside. It was closed (renovation?). It would be such a delight to be able to explore those little rooms and back staircases. What an ingeniously complex plan inside such a perfect shell.
Hi, what a wonderful post. If you do already have higher res scans of the plans, I would love to have them. My email is suzannestuff@gmail.com.
But thank you again for even letting us know this book exists. I did find one copy, for about $2K USD, which is just too steep for me right now.
Very good images! Please, if you can, send me them. my email is felipebvrsoares@hotmail.com
thank you very much
Fantastic information! Thank you! I would be delighted if you could send me higher res copies of all the scans: I could not locate that book anywhere. I am another of these obsessive Architects, and I am building a scale model of the Trianon: this is EXACTLY what I need:
With many thanks for your kind efforts!
many thanks for this detailed informations i looked for a long time for them. Is it possible that you can send me also high resolution scans ? I am working on a very detailed 3d model. My email is janinedebevec@hotmail.com
Many thx in advance
As many people above i'd love to have those plans in higher detail. I'd be a great help for a 3D model im working on.
This post is really great; I would greatly appreciate if you could email me higher quality images as I have a big architectural project on the Petit Trianon due Monday. My email is majidserrag@hotmail.com
Thank you so much..
You are truly a godsend, ‘Le Petit Trianon’ will form part of my doctoral thesis and I would be very grateful if you could forward high resolution scans of the book.
Until now I have been unable to find this book as I live in the UK.
My email is tina.farnan@tesco.net
Kind regards
Could you please email me a copy of your scans to jordenproracing@aol.com
Thank you =)
heyy i luv ur plans of the petit trianon... in my opinion its one of the most elegant buildings in the world. im doing a project on it and it would be grateful if you could send me the pictures of the petit trianon blog at jason_wan_is@hotmail.com...
thank you for your help for my project.
Hi! Found your blog by accident while looking for a second floor plan of Petit Trianon. I am a student of architecture currently studying for an exam in classicism. I see that many people asked for higher quality scans of the floor plans and sections, I was hoping you could send them to me too, my e-mail is n_e_x_x@yahoo.com
thank you very very much :)
Looks like you can view a scanned version of the 1921 edition on Google books:
FWIW, the online viewer version and PDF version are not very good resolution. But a great heritage resource for profiles and details, nonetheless.
Thanks for the post... Keep these coming... Craig
Hello This is a real possible to get scans of the plans and details from this book? It would be an excellent material to help in the study of French culture of 17 century. I study architecture at the Moscow Architectural Institute.
my e-mails amie-yellow@ya.ru.
Hi Stefan,
Could you please, please send me the scans in higher quality too ?
thank you very much
I just found a copy of the same exact book you are all talking about, The Petit Trianon, Boston Arcitectural Club Year Book 1913. I found it in boxes from my granmothers estate that I am finally going through. I guess I will put on Ebay within the next few days (by July 20th, 2010), so if you are interested, keep your eye on Ebay. My Ebay seller name is cozzysells. Hope this helps.
I am so happy to have found your blog it is amazing! could I have a high res copy of them, I would so appreciate it! We are traveling to Versailles next Spring and I want to study up! If you require a fee I would gladly pay
Thank you!
Tengo un proyecto por hacer de el pequeño trianon seria posible obtener las imagenes en alta resolucion gracias
I have an important university assignment about the petit trianon and i have been searching all over for its plans.
Please, send me the plans of the Trianon in a higher quality.
My e-mail is
Thank you for your help.
I would like to study this buliding.
Could you please email me a plan of Trianon in a higher quality.
Thank you very much.
I'm a major Versailles buff and you're right in saying that the Trianon's are very hard to study (from an architectural perspective especially.)
Thank you for bringing these images to light! Could you please send larger versions of these to
x a i b . t @ l i v e . c o m
Thank you so much!
Hello! I can't believe there is a book like that! I'm doing a school project about the Louis XVI style and it will help me a lot if you could please send me larger scans of these pictures.
Thank you very much.
This post is wonderful!
Have checked Alibris, BookButler and Ebay for a copy but this little gem of a book is impossible to get hold of.
Could you please email me higher quality images at
Many thanks
I`m aiding Ms Delza to format one more of hers PPS masterpieces 9 Pls. see www.culturesandart.com) now on Versaiile's overall map and its palaces.
So I`d be most gratefull if, as others asked as well, you could send me the drawings in the higher definition you can to my E-Mail address flavio.musa@gmail.com.
Can you please send me larger versions of these pictures?
My e-mail: isabellaspattic@hotmail.com
I would very much like to get a higher quality copy of these too! I absolutely adore this building and would be very thankful if you send it to my e-mail as well! Unfortunately I can't afford the book at the moment :(
My e-mail is jourdann@abv.bg
Thank you very much!
so beautiful ive been looking for these for ages, im so glad to have finaly found them.
ive noticed that people are asking for higher qaulity copies, if its possible could i PLEASE have a set too, i would be so so grateful.
my email is mollie.f11@gmail.com
great post and great blog. What an interesting book, where did you acquire something like that?
What a wonderful post! I was wondering if there are any plans of just the miniature theatre? I am working on a *BIG* project and they would come in incredibly useful! If you do have any could you please forward them to
w i l l o w t o m k i n s @ g m a i l . c o m
Thank you so much!
Thank you for bringing these images to light! Could you please send larger versions of these to
Thank you so much!
Hi Stefan,
Could you please, please, send me the scans in higher quality too?
My email is : mihai_mh2@yahoo.com
Best of Luck in your practice arhitexture. Thank you soo much.
I am an architecture student from the university of Newcastle in Australia.
I am doing an assignment on the Petit Trianon. Could you please please send me an email of larger scans of the floor plans. I would be forever grateful.
Thank you so much,
What a gift
i am pricing a panelled room hat must be detailed as Le Petit Trianon.
We have the carvers, Millworkers etc but could REALLY use a section through the panelling.
Do you larger scale scans of sections and details.
IT would be greatly appreciated
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