Bakery Employee: 'Hello 'dis be Walmarts, how can I help you?'
Customer: ' I would like to order a cake for a going away party this week.'
Bakery Employee: 'What you want on 'dat cake?'
Customer: 'Best Wishes Suzanne' and underneath that 'We will miss you'.
I heard that's pretty much how it went. So sad and terribly funny, but mostly sad.
ya, I can't believe that happened!! Sad but funny!
It really is an ugly cake, James! Probably tastes like cardboard too. I guess you get what you pay for -Walmart! ewwww
I've always thought sheet cakes were tacky anyway. At least this one is memorable. ;)
VERY tacky! but suzanne will always remember her going away party and 'under neat that'
Guess dialect and delivery are so very important.
I must admit that I had to chuckle and I hope Suzanne did too.
Yes, it makes for a memorable going away party -who knows...maybe it was planned? I guess she did like it if she sent pictures of her cake all over the 'internets'.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't this happen in Trinidad? At one of the supermarkets?
It would explain the colour combo and the "neat'. But, I bet it is delicious. Trinidadians love their food.
I actually don't know where it came from, HOBAC; it was forwarded to me in an email passed around my office and I just loved it! Good to know where it comes from! Don't buy cakes in Trinidad!
You have GOT to be kidding me. This is HI-FREAKIN'-LARIOUS shit!
And, yes, the color combo is, um, well, pretty awful. Wow.
with love from Pittsburgh...
Awww, Laura, I was going to get this cake for you for your birthday- NOT NOW! haha
this is from a friend's blog.
PD - a similar thing happened to me this year with one of those cookies from Mrs. Fields -they got the shape of the cookie wrong TWICE (after we complained after hte first one was wrong) and got the text wrong on the first one (which was supposed to be a surprise!) -oh and the cookie tasted AWFUL!!!! Never again!
omg! this is the funniest thing I ever saw!!!!!!! I don't believe it's real though - it CANT be!!!
Thats what I said, CDT! I laughed for about an hour afterwards!
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