So, did you see Project Runway on Wednesday: the green challenge? I know I'm posting a few days late. The green challenge...I don't get it really.I think it's great they were green but how is that a 'challenge'? It limits the fabric choices, that I understand, but they didnt' get to chose their own fabrics, so what's the difference? I loved that the models were the clients and that they also chose the fabric. Hey, it's a challenge, designers, so it's CHALLENGING! I thought a few of them really stepped up to the plate this episode - we're starting to see who is a good designer and who is good tv.

As you probably know (if you've read this far into the post you probably watched the show!) Suede won the challenge. Were you as shocked as me? I would have sworn he was in the running to be cast off! However, he made this super cute party dress with a fun skirt and used the shiny awful fabric in a unique way! This will be available on soon for sale!

My favorite dress (that no one really talked about) was this one by Terri. Isn't it adorabe and well made? Such a sassy model too!

Crazy orange Blayne created this fun 80's cocktail dress out of the hot pink fabric that he hated; but I think it turned out really cute, don't you?

This is what I call the window shade looks like those french style sheer blinds you see in funeral parlors and 'victorian' recreation homes. Shame on you keith! And it's so short, it's like the blinds are half way up! I guess you have to give it points for creativity -and it would hide a baby lump (or two!).

This dress seemed to come in second place, by Kenley. This was probably my 2nd favorite dress -as the judges said -it was drop dead chic.

The biggest shock of the night to me was Korto. I thought she was the designer with the most talent and best abilities.....then this.......It was well made -but those fins are awful.... they make a model look hippy!! I had such high hopes :-(

The judges didn't seem to like this little number by Leanne. I thought this was super cute though! They said it had too much going on, well....yes......I think though that it's different and cute: i love the pockets. The only change I would make is to have had the model put her arm through that last loop instead of over it like an epulet. Still -it's an adorable little 'romper' (I believe that is the term for this time of garment.....besides it's so fun to say....or write).
I have to say I thought Kenley should have won that challenge. I think Suede with interesting But Kenley was my Fave with her clean lines and the amazing collar.
I agree about Terri being looked over. Her dress was so chic. Check out my recap if you have a sec.
You and I seem to have identical choices for 1st & 2nd best dresses.. Terri won this one in my mind. I'm very disappointed I won't be able to buy this on Bluefly! But I'd also be pleased to wear Kenley's adorable high collar dress. Both were very feminine and flattering.
Ad - oh the tragedy of those fins on Korto's dress :(
Franki, I heard they're only making 150 copies of the Suede 'strip' dress to sell on bluefly, but the Kenley dress was SO overwhelmingly popular they may produce it as well!
I love Project Runway! Looks like this will be a good season. I'm with you on Terri's dress--I liked it and was surprised it didn't get more attention. Also would've gladly worn Kenley's. Suede's? Not so much. Hard to imagine many women would be able to pull that off. But it did show some creativity that I wasn't entirely sure he had before the challenge.
What was up with those fins on Korto's dress?? That was a big disappointment. -Julia
Ooh, just read your comment about Kenley's dress possibly being produced as well! Interesting! -Julia
Sometimes I wonder how they edit these, Julia. Are they not talking about Terri because she becomes more important as the show progresses? Are the characters that are talked about the most now the ones being kicked off in the upcoming week? i guess stay tuned to find out!
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