Thursday, April 3, 2008


One of my favorite mass marketers is William Sonoma Home. Their collections are high quality for a reasonable ( but still high-end) price and it's a great mix of traditional and modern pieces with great lines. Recently on their website I saw under the sale items these Fretwork tables.
Growing up, my parents had 2 sidetables and a coffee table that looked exactly like these ( and I always though were so 70's ) that many many childhood accidents surrounded and so I always hated them -but these aren't so bad really. Are they back from the 70s? Do my detestations of this fretwork stem from childhood injuries or just genuine dislike now I wonder??? It's an existential crisis!!
I would prefer them if they were lacquered black, white, or some bright color ( kelly green, chinese red? ) but hey, since I'm not buying them anyway what do I care. Big markdowns though, I guess they're not very popular with other people either!

Check them out ONLINE and other sales as well! While there check out this SERIOUSLY stylish Essex Dresser! which would go very well with my cartier clock ( see below! )


Scott Fazzini said...

I'm CRAZY obsessed with W.S.H., AND I heard that they are opening one at Tyson's II!! : )

ArchitectDesign™ said...

no way!! thats awesome! I've been to the one in Portland, Oregon a few times and LOVED It -i could have moved right in!! I troll their website pretty frequently!

An Aesthete's Lament said...

The tea table in a dark, dark, cinnabar lacquer would be wonderful.