To get you into the 'holiday' spirit here are 2 townhouses in Georgetown featuring some festive decor. The house above has a collection of unusual pumpkins decorating their front stoop (notice the gas lantern!). Discreet and charming, these gourds will last as decorations all fall.
This rather spooky house features some cackling Jack o'lanterns to get passersby into the spirit! Have you decorated your house for Halloween or will you be hiding in the basement away from trick-or-treaters like me?!
7 hours ago
Pumpkins are sweet but I LOVE those brick stairs. They are magnificent. ONe of my favorite looks is a stack of different pumpkins... love the look esp. those blue fellows... sooo adorable.
Deana, I have mixed feelings about the stairs as they're new on a VERY renovated (too much so)townhouse. Most stairs on houses like this in Georgetown should be Victorian pierced metal or at least solid pieces of stone like in the other photo. Still though, I suppose it looks nice when taken out of context of Georgetown!
Not a fan of Halloween. I give early treats to neighborhood children and then my husband and I "go dark"!
I do a bit of autumn decor; however do not like kitschy Halloween "stuff"!
New_2013 Designer Series
I will prefer to hide like you. Interestingly in my neighborhood most of us are empty nesters or have kids that are too old to trick or treat. For past few years people from other neighborhoods load up their cars with kids and unleash them in our neighborhood :) so most of us now resort to hiding. My arthritic knees can't go to the door 40 times...
I just can't seem to get into Halloween decor but we always carve a pumpkin for the front step and put orange lights on our boxwood shrub to welcome the little trick or treaters (we only get about 20 kids). I do have a soft spot for pumpkins.
I LOVE all your estate sale finds. You have very lovely taste and everything is charmingly arranged in your flat. I am dying to see more photos of it...!
xo T.
just so lovely and all the brick
Alas, I have become the adult that I didn't like as a child! I turn off the lights, lock the door and escape to a bookstore for the evening. In my defense, though, when I was a trick-or-treater, children weren't driven by the busload to favored neighborhoods!
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