Just taking a little blogging breather for the week, to those inquiring minds who wanted to know. Enjoying good books, working on projects and hibernating from the cold- it has been over 5 years of blogging afterall and we deserve a break once in awhile!
Have fun! enjoy your break, though we will be waiting for your next post.
Enjoy your break! What's the book like?
There is nothing like a break to recharge one's batteries.
Wishing you a nice break and looking forward to your return. Five years, really? Well, Thank-you for all your informative and inspirational posts.
Amen brother!
Enjoy and thanks for entering my giveaway!
Keep warm.
Blue - the book was a bit hard to get into, but given the author I gave it a chance. 75 pages into the thing I was hooked -the story is compelling (although stretches out a bit much towards the end - enough already!). I also have the follow-up book (got them for christmas) but I heard it's not as good. I'll give it a try and let you know!
you are too cute.
it's like a note from
'thurston howell'
A well deserved break! Was that picture taken from your relaxing weekend break at the Tabard?
Enjoy your brief respite - I need a blog break too. It will be 6 years in March for me - unreal. We are both still around and still have readers - what an accomplishment! Of course you are read by everyone!
Is that your fireplace???! Gorgeous. Terri xo
Snobs by Julian Fellowes was entertaining enough,
but he could have used a good editor that might prevent him delivering lectures on class behaviour
every other paragraph. Past Imperfect, the follow up
book you refer to, has rather better writing but it is still, for all it's author's claims, a genuine piece of
twaddle. It will turn your brain to mush. And your
devoted fans cannot have that happen to one of the
best design blogs, dear Stefan.
How devine dahhling! Enjoy.
A break is always well-deserved, particularly when it involves diving into such a delicious book at JH's "Snobs." enjoy!
Love your blog... Heathcote was a revelation (mad for all things Lutyens. Although I write about food and history... I am a production designer by trade and am working on a book about houses, history and food. So glad you stopped by so I could call on you!
Five years??? By all means take a much deserved break! I love the image, definately looks like a room I would love to spend time in, the fireplace surround details are beautiful!
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