My Australian penpal, whom I've mentioned before, has been at it again; traveling the world! He sent me this set of photos which completely took my breath away, the Franziskanerkirche (or Franciscan Church) in Lucerne, Switzerland.

The church is the oldest in Lucerne with portions dating back to the 13th century with major renovations occuring nearly every century. Because of this, the building is a veritable museum of styles, ranging from early gothic to baroque.

The vaulted ceilings in the side chapel especially caught my fancy, seen in the top 2 photos. The polychrome plaster cherubs adorning the ceiling are unlike anything I've seen before.

The main chapel includes a 15th century pulpit and 17th century wall murals. The painted flags on the upper walls were painted when the building served as the city hall and depict locations where Swiss soldiers won battles. Who needs history books when one can just go to church!
I have been here many years ago and it just blew my breath away. It is also on a lot more of a human scale to much bigger churches etc, which makes it even better! These are great pictures!
Oh the many uses of churches...I had my afterprom in a church that was turned into a dance club but now houses an indoor strip mall. History class church is way more beautiful, though. How'd you get so lucky in penpal picking? Mine never work out...
Every other day, another blast of inspiration from
Architect Design~and this one is no exception!
That ceiling is simply extraordinary. Thank you!
I think you should start a company that gives Architectural tours. This would be a marvelous spot to visit and one could learn so much from your eyes and education.
It's so beautiful, thanks for the pictures. And congrats on FOX title of one of the 10 best blogs of the year!
Well deserved!
What amazing vaulting, and even more amazing putti! David.
großartige fotos, alle
I love the cherub ceiling! After I saw it, I went into my living room and asked myself, "Do you think it would work here?" Unfortunately my ceiling needs to be at least five feet higher before I can install my own cherubs!
Isn't it interesting that the painted flags on the upper walls were painted when the building was used for a non-religious purpose i.e the town hall for _all_ citizens in the town. I am with woody. Churches have been converted to a wide range of facilities.
I have also been here - it's spectacular. In fact the whole city is beautiful with beautiful old covered bridges - and oft overlooked stop that should be everyone's tour of Switzerland.
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