Continuing on yesterday's opulent posting, today I bring you a bronze door handle from the
Palazzo Grassi in Venice. My best friend Eric (
ArchitectDesign's foreign correspondant) was recently there and sent me this photo for obvious reasons: it's gorgeous! Why have a boring handle with a view like THAT, afterall. Have you ever seen a more sunny or gorgeous day in Venice? Have a great weekend!
GRACIOUS! That's the most uberfantastic door handle I've ever seen!
I am trying to get a handle on things and that handle gives me new hope! I love how your friends think of you with door handles and architecture.
That is a gorgeous handle. I am such a sucker for things carved, cast or turned.
handles are suvh an integral part of design. i actually am in the process of designing and manufacturing a "handle collection"!
And the canal water looks great!
Wow~I'm still gasping for breath.
That is the mother of all door handles.
Guess they don't do anything by halves in Venice...
It looks almost Rodin-ish. It's gorgeous!
It's true, I saw this door handle and knew Stefan (and subsequently AD readers) had to see it. This was a really neat museum with ultra-modern installation art. The building itself is great and such a contrast to the modern art. I would recommend it if you're ever in Venice.
yes, one of the details as a must for me. last may while in paris we bought four sets of antique bronze handles for our apartment in the process of being renovated right now. I can't wait to see them installed.
I'd love to be in Venice right now.
Even the door handles are romantic!
I'll say that's gorgeous.
I bought a lovely door knocker in the Paris flea Mkt.
Not that lovely.
Great inspiration to see before my meeting this morning about - door handles! We are picking a few candidates, and a few finishes, then will order some samples. Nothing as elaborate as this, but I do agree that door hardware is quite an important part of design!
Have you ever used Frank Allart hardware on any of your projects? We are evaluating a lever from them, as well as some Baldwin examples.
It is details like this that just take your breath away and stay in your mind forever!
Art by Karena
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