This short post is in honor of the lovely
Janet for whom I took the above photo. The dining room at Filoli is beautiful but relatively unremarkable. However, this embroidered screen done by the tuesday stitchers group of the Assistance League of San Mateo County is really breathtaking.

Depicting the house and gardens as well as a crop of outbuildings, I took this picture expressly for Janet. It really captures the heart of the estate. The embroidery replaces an old french tapestry from the screen which hid access to the dining room from the butler's pantry.

The room is paneled in oak and contains many pieces original to the house such as the Bourn's dining table. The painting over the bolection style fireplace is one of the treasures of the collection and is a still life by
Jan Weenix.

Whats a post on the dining room without some information on the kitchens? Pictured above and below is the incredibly spacious butler's pantry with 17' tall ceilings. This is larger than most city apartments and it's not even the kitchen, folks!

As in most other rooms of the house, fresh flowers are introduced, connecting the indoors to the gardens. I really loved these pretty purple flowers in the green ceramic vase. You can never go wrong with white subway tile: clean and timeless, then and now.

Have a great weekend!
Beautiful Stefan. I am amazed by the embroidered screen, knowing how much work and love goes into a masterpeice like this. The images are wonderful.
Art by Karena
The embroidery reminds me of my work. I am painting a canvas for a dear friend who is quite the needlepoint dame. I always find needlework so full of intrigue. (Butlers pantries too!)
You're right, a lot of that dining room is beautiful but unremarkable. However, I really like the marble around the fireplace.
I always love seeing butler's pantries and kitchens in historic homes. Usually one see's the rest of the house, not these areas, which to me are some times the most interesting. So thank you for showing them...it was a treat!
Looks like you had a wonderful trip...J~
Fascinating to learn about Filoli. As you say, the house seems to combine huge size with minute detailing and planning.
Omg, is that screen all needlepoint? That is magnificent! XXOO
Charming! I'm new to your blog, by way of Grant Gibson's - so interesting and exciting! I try to follow only those blogs that are exciting and unpretentious, so cheers to you, and here's hoping I can keep up!
Christy Ramon.
I am crazy to see the kitchens in houses like these, a glimpse from you, many thanks. I think Hillwood's rates over this one. pgt
I actually like the Dining Room. Restrained elegance. Classy.
OMG! I am jumping up and down with glee! That is truly wonderful...I check out of the blog world for a couple days and LOOK what I miss. Oh, thank you, thank you! I am imspired...
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