Attached to the white house is a wedding cake of a structure known as the Old Executive Office Building or the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Built from 1871 till 1888 in the Second Empire French style -it originally held the State, War & Navy Departments. Designed by Richard Ezdorf and Alfred Mullett - this local favorite is built of the expected granite & slate -but also cast iron. Fun fact -there are 900 columns and 1,572 windows on the exterior!
I hope everyone has a great weekend and gets to enjoy some 'cake' of their own!
We hear "Executive Office Building" all the time. Never seen it though. I presume there are new executive office buildings that aren't quite so snazzy. Thanks for showing us.
What a beauty of a building. I'm in love.
Never knew about this building. Absolutely stunning.
This is some cake...xv
Great photos-You remind me of the American Idol column in the Washington Post-"We Watch So You Don't Have To." ;)
As a matter of fact I am having cake this weekend! Certainly beautifully lit at night!
spectacular, s!
I forgot about the cast iron. Great building.
You know, I have been thinking today(and posting) about the harmony of designed rows and here it is, a great example... an impressive building!
The lights make it so theatrical looking ...
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