Another fascinating pair of objects from the decorative arts museum were these Victorian era (what is the spanish era equivalent?) shell bouquets. While these are relatively common, I had never seen any so colorful or intricate before!

This one in particular was stunning - an entire garden with maiden under a canopy of shell flowers under a glass dome! Sadly the lighting in the museum needs an upgrade and the picture isn't as clear as I had hoped for. Maybe some summer craft ideas for at the beach?
I have fond memories of times at the beach with my Mother and Auntie and visiting shops with elaborate designs made with shells. I love them under a cloche.
They are like a message in a bottle.
I have never forgotten the moment my uncle had me put a large shell to my ear to hear the ocean!
Art by Karena
"Another fascinating pair of objects from the decorative arts museum were these Victorian era (what is the spanish era equivalent?)"
The equivalent is.....Isabelino (Elizabethan) was the time of the Queen Isabel II of Spain.
These are really beautiful. We have some of these at ShopCurious, though not quite as intricate as the ones here.
How gorgeous! love the time and detail placed in them.pgt
I love these exquisite little dust catchers (good thing they are under glass domes!) One has to marvel at the intricacy and the infinite patience to create them. My mother has a waxed flower arrangement made by her grandmother in a lovely old Victorian frame (the gentleman would love it!) My grandmother often spoke of the hours her mother spent making her creations and how much she loved the craft.
Love these. I can only imagine the countless hours it took to create the last one.
I have collected shells for as long as I can think...
These above are gorgeous and the remind me of those small shell pictures sailors made for their sweethearts...
These are so beautiful. I can hardly believe it's all shells. The second image is so well crafted, the flowers look real.
I love these things. They bring back so many memories of my host family in Spain.
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