Have you heard of Egyptian Avenue at the Highgate cemetery in London? I recently came across it and fell in love! The first section was completed in 1839 and was a popular burial spot up till the early 20th century.

This is how a cemetary SHOULD look.

The entrance into this section of the cemetary (7 in all) is through a large Pharoanic arch which has lotus bud columns on either side. The stone was once painted to match the ancient Egyptian style but now has corroded away.

Once inside this main gate, you pass 16 tomb entrances (8 on either side) while you walk uphill

This shot is looking down the hill towards the main entry. This 'back door' is less grand but just as interesting. I love all of this stonework!

This 'tunnel' leads you to the Circle of Lebanon, seen above.

Close up of one of the tomb entries. Now I just have to go to London to visit in person!
Pictures via flickr.
That is very cool and very eerie. It's like a movie set.
Wow... i didn't know about this. I did go to the Brompton Cemetary though.
Oh good mercy, That is FANTASTIC!
How is it even possible that I've never heard of this before ?
*starts planning next trip to London*
Die to be there now, I mean alive of course.
Hey, did you see the Karl Lagerfelt? google him, you will love it!
We visited several years ago and took the requisite snapshots, but they were nothing like those shown in your excellent post.
Many thanks. It's a fabulous place.
Good grief. What do you say?
amazing ... the first image makes me think of alfonso cuarón’s great expectations! ... the feeling ... you know what i mean?!
happy weekend!
These are just fantastic pictures - Great as always...Just spent a week in Zurich...you would have enjoyed to see Hotel Baur Au Lac as well as the Club Baur Au Lac just very understated elegance in a British way.Have a great weekend.
HO-MY-GOD-BY OSIRIS !!! this is maybe the most incradable place , completely twisted out of time world space , history ,,,,
HOW do you find all those places ?? I mean your are a sherlock Olmes of architecture
thank you so much ! .. do you have some biger pics of it , I would have them print for me ,,,, thank you so much in advance .
Pretty Cool! looks like something that might have bee non the set of one of the Indiana Jones flicks.
Wow, I've never heard of this - it's fantastic! And you're right, exactly how a cemetery should look. Great post!
That's absolutely incredible! I want to visit today!
Okay - I am back to your great blog. This post made me think about Sir Edward James and his El Castillo so, I had to write a post about it. You sure inspire a lot of us around the world with your blog. Anyways have a great week.
really creepy
really beautiful
Wow! I've been to London several times and I have never seen this! It is beautiful. I'm going to have to go there too :)
Wow! I've been to London several times and I have never seen this! It is beautiful. I'm going to have to go there too :)
Amazing place.
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