Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Paris Opera House

"It was a singularly mixed world composed of all the talents and tarnished by all the vices; a world where the same fatigue and the same fever appeared in every face" Emile Zola in NanaWhile reading these lines on the beach last week, I immediately thought of the Palais Garnier in Paris, otherwise known as the Paris Opera House. Indeed, the whole book has me thinking of the age of opulence.
One can still hear the rustle of silk from the courtesans that once wandered its' halls.
Rather than talk about the ornate-ness of the building, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.The famous grand staircase, rather dimly lit and hard to capture with my little camera.One of many hallways meant to contain crowds gathered here to socialize; love the oak chevron patterned floors. The grand foyer, possibly the most over-the-top room I've ever set foot in; it took my breath away.
So much intricate detail that the eye simply cannot focus; so much gold and shine that light is not needed.
If you get the chance, make sure to visit the Paris Opera House!


  1. It's breathtaking...just stunning! The grand foyer seems grander than any of the palaces that have ever been built...a masterpiece! The grand staircase also, with all the little balconies in the distance is unbelievable, what craftsmanship...thank heavens it's still around for all to enjoy.

    Merci, Merci, Merci!

  2. Oh my! It's BEAUTIFUL! Of course, having just left Rome, the gold statues on the outside reminds me of the Vittoriano. Whenever I finally go to Paris, this will top the to-see list. Great photos!

  3. brilliant. and so much more. thank you for most delightful tour!

  4. You have just transported me back to when we were there last, 5 years ago! Now humming La Boheme!

    Welcome Back!

  5. It's been years since I've seen it, so I certainly enjoyed your tour!

    When you take us inside these beautiful old buildings, always makes me wish it were possible to travel back in time to experience it!

  6. Stefan, did you take all these pix yourself? Kudos!
    Aside from loving the whole Napoleon III aeshetic of the place, and the operas that were being premiered there at the time, I absolutely treasure every coffee session spent at the incomparable Café de la Paix just across the way, with its green-marble and bronze interiors, and of course its fabulous views of the Palais Garnier from the tables outside. Best café crême I've ever had, ever!
    Loved this post, merci!

  7. Hi Michael, yes, I took all the pictures myself. Unless otherwise noted, I take all the photos on my blog.
    I missed the Cafe de la Paix but Heather relaxed there while I toured the opera house. It had been a LONG day and she wasn't up for it. So we each missed something!!

  8. Guessing that most of us have stayed in the Opera area of Paris at some point or other.
    Your photos brought it all back.
    Such beautiful light.

  9. Breathtaking images Stefan!! You have outdone youself. The details are amazing.

    Art by Karena

  10. Love this post. Opera House is especially impressive when you emerge from the cavernous subway below it into the incredible grandure of that building. Thank you.

  11. It is so nice to see the Opera House again. It is so over the top, so luxurious, so decadent, that it is little wonder that over the decades many lavish Paris couture gowns have been photographed there for magazine features.

    My favourite feature is the Chagall ceiling mural...what a splendid contrast between mid century modern and second empire.

    Not nearly so many visitors go there compared with other famous Paris sights, so it is actually a bit less touristy. An amazing building, really not comparable to anything in America.

    Thanks for the terrific piece.

  12. Its vulgar ugliness makes me shiver. Sorry to dissent. I am a classicist.

  13. Nice post.Did my first architecture drawing, yay! In the beginning I wanted to create a hole city with tons of buildings gone riot but I just had a small sketchbook with me, so I decided to draw them in single parts and put them together digitally.

  14. I hadn't realised the Paris Opera was so uber-theatrical. Those waxed mustaches of the Napoleon III period suddenly make a lot of sense :)

  15. These photos make me melt. I have no other words! Great photography!


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