Saturday, December 26, 2009


I hope everyone is recovering nicely from their holiday activities: Have a regal weekend!
photo by David Seidner


  1. We would be so lucky to 'recover' to look like that!

  2. Here's hoping you had
    a wonderful Holiday.
    I made potato pancakes.
    and cooked and cooked.
    Do like your posts.
    Happy New Year

  3. Oh what a stunning photo and that dress is simply a vision of lime and pistachio!
    Have a happy time!

  4. That's a stunning photo! Merry Christmas!

  5. What Kismet...a few days ago, I bought PORTRAITS by David Seidner. He used John Singer Sargent as his inspiration for the most beautiful photographs. His work for YSL and his early works where the image is cut into several frames, especially of Tina Chow are haunting,Nudes that look like DaVinci drawings and he ended with color diffused images of Orchids, a passion of so many...a beautiful, young and talented man who died to early from AIDS just a few years ago.

    You HAVE such a special touch and flair...

  6. I have NO interest in dressing in drag...but if I did...

  7. After waaaay too many champagne cocktails I have flung off my ballgown and popped on a bikini!

    *Its not a good look either. :)

  8. Stefan - I love that your post is titled "Recovering". That is exactly what I am doing today after an overly fun night with friends. Oddly enough, I don't look polished and poised like the woman in the portrait.

  9. Recovered beautifully. Every happiness to you in the new year.


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