Thursday, June 18, 2009

Antique cars

While at Poplar Forest this past weekend, we were suprised by a group of antique cars in the parking lot as we left. I have to admit to not being a 'car' person, I don't even own one as I live in the city, but I do appreciate the design aspect.
2 seperate groups of cars from different time periodsMy favorite was this old blue Ford. They don't make them like this anymore...So elegantEven the interior!This 1920's chrysler roadster was next to it. I love the snappy yellow & green.
notice the decorative wheels.and a real 'trunk'! So thats where that term came from.....
A 1921 Model T sedanwood spoked wheels....even a wood steering wheel!
I can't imagine a better Saturday afternoon than motoring down the country lanes of bucolic Virginia, stopping at a winery or two and visiting Poplar Forest in my vintage convertible; can you?

This one reminded me a bit of 'chitty chitty bang bang' - love that horn!


  1. Wonderful Pics! I love antique cars.
    Thank you for publishing those photographs!

    Greetings from Spain.

  2. There is a gentleman who lives nearby who is often seen sporting wheels like these...and each time my daughter says, I want wheels like that! I love when he honks the horn!

  3. I love those cars, they still look so like stage coaches on wheels... And interestingly enough even in those days cars seemed to look similar to each other, my grandparents drove an Opel in Germany (about 1916 ,looked very much like the above Ford model.
    And I complain today all cars look alike...
    I agree to the ride down country lanes....

  4. What a fun post and great blog! Glad I found you.


  5. I have always loved the romance of antique cars. I always find myself imagining what the orignal owners were doing or where they were planning an outing! Today's cars do not evoke any of the style of yesteryear!!

  6. Stefan-I adore vintage and antique cars-they are huge in my neighborhood. For the cutest car ever, check out the post I did on the Philippe Starck beach car once owned by Maria Callas. I would love two vintage cars- a Karmann Ghia convertible in orange and a BMW 2002 in powder blue.

  7. one of the most beautiful phrases in the world (to me, an old-car lover) is "concours d'élégance" ...

  8. That old blue ford is amazing, but I absolutely LOVE that bright blue one in the third picture from the top. Do you know what make/model it is??

  9. Sorry, Aavivaa, I don't know that one! My guess is something from the 1920s (i know..totally not helpful!)

  10. All I can say is: great minds think alike!

  11. i love those car shows !!
    fun stuff !!


  12. fun-You really got a lot from the trip! You are up tomorrow around NOON! loving it. Hope you do too. LA

  13. Love the horn and that divine Trunk .. . I always keep my eyes open for vintage fitted picnic baskets of this era: they hold such memories of the country roads and a perfect lunch by a stream.
    Summer dreamin', indeed.

  14. Stunning photos Stefan. These cars take me back... not too far but enough to remember banquette seats in the front and column gear changes,ohhh,


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