Monday, April 13, 2009

2 stone houses.....

While visiting family this past weekend, I drove through my old neighborhood, Squirrel Hill and took a few pictures of my 2 favorite houses: both are stone. The first is a more finished stone -limestone maybe? Very sophisticated.
The house isn't large but it is certainly grand: A lot of character in this little house! And check out the view -it resides alongside a large park with great views of downtown Pittsburgh in the distance.
The second house could be home to Mrs. Havisham..... a little mysterious....
A small English country manor house plunked down in the city of Pittsburgh? I love that it seems to be all original: tile roof, beautiful stone facade, leaded glass windows; the whole package.This was always my favorite house to walk by; so charming and eccentric. The crooked gate post just adds to the overall affect I think!
Sorry the pictures aren't better, but it was FREEZING cold outside so they were taken from my car! Have a great day, everyone!


  1. I made 2 brief visits to Pittsburgh when my brother lived there. Interesting scenes, neighborhoods, and views around every corner. I thought it was a great town, except for the roads at the end of winter.

  2. I just love that first home. It is gorgeous! If I could design my next home from the ground up it would def. be of stone. It is so pretty and timeless! Beautiful post! Thanks for braving the freezing cold for us!

  3. I adore the crooked gate post! how different the feel of the house in the picture with it and without. don't you think? I guess that is why you did that. hehe - you are so smart!!!! and I love the finials on top too.

  4. I bet if you knocked on the door, with tea and some sort of baked goods, the owners would have invited you in for the tour. Next time, knock, because I would love to see the inside. Especially, number 2.

  5. Joann, you're right about neighborhoods, each one with a different flavor!

    Paris, I really love the first home better architecturally, too -the 2nd one for the ambiance!

    CdT, yes, I really did think the post did give it a different look, I just had to include that photo! It would look so different not crooked!

    Pve, thats a good idea (but I think i'd end up eating all the baked goods before I even got there, hehe)

  6. Hmmm, difficult....I just can't say which is my favorite. I just can not..They're both amazing!

  7. Which one? hard to say- perhaps House behind door number 2? Its like a meal- once I order- I want yours, perhaps the fate of being the youngest child. The first is interesting- what All does it entail- a bell tower?, little gothic, ramparts? what is that on the left top portion? Is that an antenna?
    and don't touch that stone pillar at my house (door # 2!)

  8. I adooore stone houses! So manorly and secretive...

  9. The first house reminds me of a much smaller version, a little castellated cottage I visited as a child. The very old lady, who had lived in pre- Mao China, taught us to play mah jong and baked us divine meringues and fudge. It's one of my most magical memories. That's what I love about your pictures. You make up your own story of what goes on inside.

  10. Mysterious. Houses that have a bit of mystery to them are always the most interesting. I like the Miss Havisham house the best. It could be a real time warp inside, which would be fascinating.

  11. Oh Pittsburgh,

    I really like the limestone on the house but I think it also looks like the Tennessee Gray Marble that you see on a lot of the 1930's government buildings around here. Just a thought, maybe it's too dark.

  12. both are storybook beautiful! love this post.

  13. you make me want to head up to pittsburgh

  14. What a great neighborhood! I see where your love of architecture began. :)

  15. I love both homes! Pgh is so rich in beautiful architecture. Thanks for sharing these great photos!

  16. the architect has a genius imagination, Imagine they can design the very durable house made from stone.


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