Monday, April 28, 2008

New Treasures!

I wanted to share with you my newest treasures I got from an ebay auction from a local auction house. These are antique watercolors of interiors ( there were 3 and I only won 2 unfortunately ). The first depicts a beautiful french room with fireplace, chandelier and french doors to a garden
the second picture is a wall elevation of an english style room - beautiful colors that will look GREAT in my apartment! I'm so happy I won them!!


  1. Those are stunning.
    Good for you and thanks for the show and tell!

  2. Thanks pve! but nothing can beat the show and tell i had in first grade where I brought Mr. Rogers in to my classroom :-) no joke!

  3. These are beautiful!! Well won!! you have great taste:-)

  4. Thanks, PoC! I got them hanging this past weekend and they're just wonderful!

  5. Any hints about what room the top image depicts?

  6. These were sold/bought at auction -i have no idea who was selling them or what they depict -they're not even signed. They are really fantastic though!

  7. I love the insane scale of the second work ... that immense round painting, the squatness of the fireplace, et cetera ...

  8. yes, it is a somewhat odd scale really - in real life it would be immense. It reminds me a lot of the grand english country manor houses. There was a 3rd drawing in the auction but I didn't win it -it went for FAR over the projected bids and over what i could ever afford! Not sure why that one was so much more popular, these 2 went for under the projected bids - from the same lot!

  9. The second room is French not English, and by the looks a Louis XIV room, similar to the Salon of Apollo in Versailles, or the Burden Ballroom in New York City, wonderful image though.


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