Friday, May 26, 2017

Shopping Atlanta

One thing Atlanta is known for is furniture shopping. No trip to Atlanta is complete without visiting some of their numerous home stores. I think antique shopping is the local past time!
One of my first stops after a fun lunch with noted blogger The Blue Remembered Hills was to ADAC (the Atlanta Decorative Arts Center).
One of my favorite shops was definitely Ainsworth Noah which carries a selection of antiques along with new furniture and art.
 Loved this little side table made by Dessin Fournir, one of many brands they represent.
Every part of this showroom you want as a little vignette back in your own home! 
Another great shop was Holland & Co which has this lovely antique doorway leading into the showroom.
 And what better place to get an architectural accent such as an antique door and surround than at my favorite shop in the world, Architectural Accents (which I've blogged about previously HERE).
In addition to architectural salvaged pieces from Europe they also carry lots of new hardware lines -a one stop shop!
 Loved this stained glass chinoiserie scene - would be great in a bathroom for some privacy.
There is no shortage of antique (and reproduction) mantels and overmantels, each more beautiful than the last.
 This overmantel had a lovely golden chinoiserie scene above an antique French marble mantel.
My favorite was this 18th century limestone mantel from a house in France.  I would take this home in a heartbeat if I could!! Maybe after I win the lottery....
 This lovely oak mantel and overmantel would look great in a home library.
And there is no shortage of antique doors to take home to add a touch of France to your own maison
Probably the most anticipated part of my trip was a visit to Scotts, the monthly antique show where dealers from around the world come to sell AND shop.
 So many lovely things I wish I had room for!!
 Have you ever seen a chandelier built of antique French firemen helmets? Only at Scotts....
 This interesting beaux-arts clock appears right out of a hotel or palatial gilded age mansion.
 I couldn't decide whether these bronze urns were more funereal or just plain fabulous.
I was able to take home a souvenir however, this antique French dresser eventually found it's way back home to me from a dealer based in Texas. Scotts makes it easy with numerous shippers available at the front desk.  Atlanta is to antique shopping what Chicago is to pizza; HOME!


  1. Stefan,

    So glad you had fun in the ATL. It's grown so much ever since the Olympics were hosted there- Ainsworth was recently sold to Dennis Hunt, who was with them for years-
    Love your elegant commode! Enjoy!

    Dean Farris

  2. Yes Dennis was there and we chatted for a bit -he was very nice. Yes commode is definitely the right word for it, I've been looking for one similar for months now so was very happy to take it home with me!

  3. Sounds like so much fun and that dresser looks a stalwart too.

  4. Congratulations on the elegant commode! The assortment in the rest of the photograph indicates that Scotts has something for everybody.

  5. Great commode and I have been looking for one just like that for 2 years. What a score. Great blog, I always enjoy it.


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