Tuesday, March 26, 2013

An artist at home, Pierre Bergian

As a blogger one receives masses of press releases, most of which prompt you to hit delete before even opening. Once in awhile though something intrigues me and pulls me in -this happened recently when someone from the Purdy Hicks Gallery contacted me about the artist Pierre Bergian who currently has an exhibit in their London space.
Pierre Bergian is known for his stark views of interiors -think "World of Interiors" magazine painted. It's no surprise his work is so intriguing to me as he studied art history and archaeology.
Pierre also took these photos of his own house so it's an intriguing look at how the artist perceives his own interiors in life as well as in his work. I love the book filled library above.
See the similarities between his own house and his work? The paintings are kept spare so that the eye focuses on composition and proportion.  The rooms are from memory; of abandoned grand country houses he visited as a child.
Pierre lives in Bruges, Belgium, with his family in a 19th century former soap factory (circa 1825) which has the proportions of a house from the 18th century. While he loves the diversity of the architecture in the small town he loves to travel to more cosmopolitan cities as often as he can. Notice the shelter magazines piled all over his house, (similar to my own!). There is more than one way to travel after all!
Pierre collects an assortment of items from all time periods. I love the eclectic assemblage in his rooms.
I also love the feel of casual European kitchens like his below; so much more cozy than our American counterparts which often feel like cold showrooms. Don't you love that light fixture above the stove too?
Pierre's favorite thing about his house is the amount of windows -light is always important to an artist. The living room has a beautiful skylight with stained glass laylight and overlooks the rear garden. New Replacement Windows, perhaps?  I wonder if the fireplaces work? 

Pierre's wife, Angele Boddaer, is also an art historian and works as a muralist and restorer of wall art. Don't you just want to be friends with this fascinating couple?

The spare use of strong color is found throughout the house. Why be afraid of color when you know how to use it? Restraint is key.
 Their bedroom is a serene baby blue but is kept from being too sweet by the spareness of the furnishings.
Pierre at work in his studio - the organized clutter is a keen insight into how his mind works.
 Each photograph is composed as a still life. I wonder what the stacks of drawings contain?
Inspiration is found throughout the many magazines and books he collects.
Pierre's work is available through the Purdy Hicks Gallery in London, how I wish I could visit! If you find yourself in London, stop in and tell them ArchitectDesign sent you!
The Purdy Hicks Gallery is located at 65 Hopton Street in Bankside. All images in post are courtesy of the artist.


  1. Wonderful. So full of intrigue for me as an artist to see how other artists live and work. Thank-you for sharing. His works are certainly evocative as they are haunting.

  2. Patricia, I was thinking of you the whole time I wrote it! I especially loved the looks into his studio. Now we need a tour of YOUR house!

  3. I like their version of comfortable clutter with enough open space to refresh the eye.

  4. I always love peeking into studios. love the collected look of that entire place, really.

  5. Those images are so romantic. I need a huge studio with all of that light too.

  6. There is something so vital about artist's in their lairs. I LOVE to see what's on their walls and tables, what inspires them. That is art in itself. I love his studio.
    Thanks for the show!

  7. Wow! it would be a treat to be in the company of Pierre and his wife.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing Pierre's work. I love his library, too - what effortless style.

  9. Pierre's home is very artful and his works of art and vignettes fill his home!Love the bookcases piled high with inspiration.

    Art by Karena


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