Friday, September 30, 2011

Entrancing mushrooms

I spent the day in Easton, Maryland yesterday on the Chesapeake Bay for a new project and while walking around outside, was astonished by the number of unusual mushrooms I saw growing everywhere.

The structure of these little plants always intrique me; the ribbing, the spots and the cupping -they're so amazing and rather architectural, don't you think?

I know nothing about mushrooms so would never even think of trying to taste or touch any of them for fear of poisoning, but always appreciate them. I had never seen any this yellow green color before.

This monster mushroom had numerous heads and was probably 12" in diameter! I suppose there was one good thing to come from this wet, humid weather we've been having: mushrooms!


  1. They are such interesting little structures!! Stefan I do wish I knew what was edible and which to stay away from!

    It would have to be a study subject!

    Art by Karena

  2. Amazing. I was at my carpenter's the other day and he had the most glorious collection of mushrooms....on a tray...alongside a book all about mushrooms.
    I wonder if he ever thought of carving mushrooms out of wood!

  3. Actually, fungi aren't plants at all - they're their own separate kingdom of organisms, just like animals. Having treated my fair share of mushroom toxicity cases, I would say it's a good thing you don't try to be bold and eat them. There are a few fairly safe species, but even then it's good to be careful.

  4. I recently posted a photo essay of the lovely mushrooms on my blog as well. Words of caution were included as far as eating the beauties as was seen in the Wash Po. Your specimens are fabulous also.

  5. Those are just exquisite! Lucky you for all that rain, we are still in drought mode.

  6. Gorgeous photos! I particularly like the first one. It looks like you had a productive day all around. :) Autumn is my favorite season, and we are just now getting our first rains. I am ready!

  7. These are are wow! I'm going to be on the lookout.

  8. That first mushroom is too beautiful to eat!

  9. Those are awesome! It has been so wet lately, I am not surprised at the bumper crop of fungi.


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