Tuesday, January 4, 2011

House of Sweden

While walking home last night, I passed the House of Sweden along the Potomac right at sunset, when the building disappears into both the sky and river. As much as I love classical architecture, I have a deep appreciation for moden buildings such as these, especially when done right. Given the site, a classical building would have been highly out of place.
However, I'm not sure how I feel about the back. The use of lighting is odd (hello Vegas?) and the glass panels are actually patterned a faux wood. What do you think? Tomorrow I'll pick up on the tour of San Simeon that I dropped earlier this summer. Still so much to show there!
excuse the poor quality of the photo -again from my cell phone!


  1. Agree - back is a disappointment. And I'm with you, would want classical for myself but totally appreciate modern. It's like where I live is mostly traditional but there are several excellent examples of the Harvard Five - in fact one of the architects I worked with on our renovation wrote a book about it!

  2. oddly enough, I live in a very modern space and love it. Of course -all of my antiques and 'classic' stuff sort of counter balances that fact. I typically say I just like 'good design' of all (most) genres.

  3. This one is rather bland and would not make me look twice.
    There are modern buildings which I absolutely love, this one not.
    Has the charm of an indoor parking...especially the back.

  4. If they are great they are great. They don't always look their best in pictures. Sometimes being there at just the right time and place can turn you around.

  5. I'm in agreement with everyone else I prefer the classical but very much appreciate modern. I do wonder what they were going for in the back since it seems off compared to the front. I don't care for the lighting either but it might be one of those things you have to see in person.

  6. Acquired, well, i took that picture in person...it was pretty random looking, LOL. But with a building like that I'm not sure how else to do building light fixtures.

  7. When viewed through the lens of its intention and puprose,the building very successful!

    It's a good diplomat,intended to fit within its host country's site while communicating Swedish values and design sensibility -progressive without agressiveness; the tree-etched windows evoke the forest while providing both transparency and privacy;and the yellow lights represent the Swedish sun and one of the national colors.

  8. Love both apects of the building in fact, as illustrated by the two photos. As Terry said, right time, right place and it is amazing what you see. The thing is to be open to the moment for temporary visual effects.
    look forward to san simeon
    best for 2011

  9. agreed, though I do love the faux wood glass thing going on. Ruskin would have choked, but I like the updated modern, very Swedish cleanliness.

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  11. excellent post. I agree with earlier comments. I also love both classical and modern architecture. This post helped me a lot.


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