Monday, July 26, 2010

More treasures

While I further indulge myself in a much needed little blogger break (please excuse me!) let me share with you some more treasures from the musee des arts decoratifs at the Louvre in Paris.
I loved these items best for the contrast they provided to the stark black background. Very modern, don't you think? The sumptuous bed, the ornate clock and the beautiful painting all in a dark, dramatically lit room on the 18th century floor.
Like so many places, it's all about the lighting.


  1. Stefan, yours is one of the most consistently interesting blogs - well-written and with such good photos. Enjoy your blogger break and be well. The clock and the bed are particularly spectacular against the dark background - you're right about lighting.

  2. I love your selection. It is trly an amazing museum. Loved the Lanvin apartment there.

  3. Thanks so much, blue! that is really sweet :-)
    David,I loved the Lanvin apt too, I think heather wrote a post on it upon our return.
    I'll be here intermittently, just not regularly :-)

  4. Enjoy your break and that bed. Wow. Having a little phone trouble today. Gotta head to Verizon. Sighing. Will let you know how it works out. Technology is against me.

  5. couldn't agree more with Blue

    And lighting really is everything. In my store, everything looks fine by daylight, but even so, when I turn on the Halogen spots, everything springs to life---like a wash of sunshine.

    as for myself, I find a dim room and a forty watt pink bulb to be best :-)

  6. That clock is just...the most incredible thing... And here I've been buying into faces and hands!

  7. Wonderful images Stefan. I love dimmed light, and the contrast.
    Enjoy a little break!

    Art by Karena

  8. hope your break is as well lit and full of just the right amount of drama.

  9. ok....
    how did you ever get a picture of my bedroom????


  10. Be careful what you wish for, Renee -thats the bed of a famous courtesan if I remember correctly! haha

  11. I've been obsessing over that clock--that's Saturn with a scythe, right? I went to my university's art and architecture library to look up the louvre dec arts collection to no avail. I can't find a name or artist for the piece anywhere. Do you remember what it was?

  12. Woody, I'm sorry to say I don't know anything else about it other than I liked it and it was in the same area as that bed and painting! I think it was on the 18th century floor of the musee des arts decoratifs .

  13. That bed is amazing. A must have! David.


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