Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lilac morning

Spring may feel like it's over here in DC, but we still have the lilacs from points north to enjoy. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
still life at top: architectural watercolor by John Wenrich, Wedgwood jasperware covered bowl (twice as big as a sugar bowl - anyone know what it actually is?) and Meissen calling card tray with ArchitectDesign blogger card of course!


  1. Lilacs are only my favorite thing in the world (well, perhaps tied with raspberries or the garden at Naumkeag). We're still 2-3 weeks from bloom here up North.

    Nifty architectural drawing.

    And it just must be a large sugar bowl.

  2. Absolutely beautiful watercolor! I covet that!

  3. A lovely still life you created stefan.
    happy may day

  4. I love those wonderful lilac stems, these are so beautiful and so fragrant!
    A perfect match next to the wonderful water color artwork!

    The covered bowl looks so pretty, perhaps for jams?

    And I love the Meissen tray!
    You would love Meissen and it's Porcellan factory, an amazing castle too! I grew up in nearby Dresden and went there many times!


  5. My great aunt had a complete jasperware set and I remember the sugar bowl was almost as large as the teapot though much smaller than the creamer (looked identical to the one you have). She always had lemon drops inside! So I think you do have a sugar bowl (or maybe it's actually meant for lemon drops :)


  6. Really beautiful vignette. Love lilacs in the springtime.

    Art by Karena

  7. Loooove the calling card tray and lilacs, well, what can I say, other than beautifully heady!

  8. mmmm I smell till here :-)

    Good weekend


  9. Wonderful watercolor, love the cast shadows.
    The Wedwood Bowl, perhaps for candied ginger.
    I can smell the lilacs all the way here.

  10. Spooky! Four hours or so ago posted on our blog re lilacs myself and now I see this.
    It is such a great spring for flower.

  11. Such a mix of contrasts. Dark and white, deep blue with lavender. rounds and squares, and that amzing architestural drawing I first thought was a photograph; and a stunning bouquet! Lilacs are so wonderful! great post with such a simple but perfectly composed vignette.

  12. I still remember the wonderful fragrance of lilacs in New England when I was a teenager. Unfortunately, they really don't do well in the South.

  13. Beautiful photo, Stef. Lilac are such sweet and uncomplicated flowers -I really adore them for that.

  14. It's the scent of lilacs that I miss. When we lived in Amsterdam we grew a white lilac in a pot on our roof terrace with a pot of iris beside it and both were given to friends when we left. Its funny what stays in memory after all these years. We could see the roof of the Rijksmuseum framed by massive bronze-red copper beeches, 18th century gardens and statuary from our terrace, but what I remember most fondly is that lilac tree and the iris.

  15. Everyone loves lilacs! Its 99% the scent I think. I too have fond memories of the lilac bushes outside of our house as a kid and gathering arm fulls of them to put throughout the house with my parents. They do especially well in Pennsylvania, some of those bushes are as large as trees and just covered in masses of blooms in May.

  16. OK, so I'm joining the fray. Love lilacs beyond measure, and yours are beautiful. Ours have just peaked, and as I sit here I am overpowered by the scent of a large bouquet of white ones I cut yesterday, sitting on the table as I write this. My only consolation for the coming end of lilac flowers is the imminent approach of peonies, a close second favorite for me...

  17. I love architectural renderings. My bud Rich, who promises I can blog about his art collection some day soon, has a wall of them when you come into his place. Mostly 50s and 60s, mostly commercial spaces, really wonderful.

    I love that the second photo in this post could almost be a photo of the actual house, taken at a distance, on a foggy day.

  18. i am so jealous.

    but i can smell them in my mind.

  19. Deep breath, inhale! I know they smell amazing! Thanks for sharing such a pleasant post friend! Have a great week!!!!

    Always the best to my friend AD!
    Reynolds Still

  20. Beautiful and thanks so much for inspiring me today!!!

  21. The pastel purple of lilacs remind of happy moments in childhood.

  22. Just hopped over from A and A's site, so glad I did!

  23. Beautiful composition to these photos...

  24. Love your tablescape/vignette with the lilacs. Our bush bloomed this year - although brief there's nothing like them.

  25. Memories!! The fragrance of lilacs brings me back to childhood. My grandmother planted lilacs outside my bedroom window.


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