Saturday, May 15, 2010

Glass hood

Did you notice this glass hood from the May 2010 issue of the World of Interiors? Obviously architect designed (why ARE we architects obsessed with straight lines?), Lina Bo Bardi created the hood for her kitchen in Sao Paulo, Brazil, The Glass House. While not sure it's the MOST practical, I really love it. Just keep a supply of windex handy! What do you think? Could you do the glass box hood in your kitchen?
Photograph by Matthieu Salvaing


  1. clearly impressed with that hood!
    I want one! I bet it has some sort of diamond coating for easy cleaning or comes with a window washer!

  2. Yes it is stunning and different but not very practical.

  3. I have to admit I find it utterly impractical and entirely ugly. I presume that no one there intends to cook. Some design is better left unrealized, I think. : )


  4. Very chic, Stefan! Thanks so much for your kind and supportive comment. Have a wonderful wknd.

  5. Interesting! I am curious if it can stay clean on the inside or would you have to clean it often? I always like seeing something that I haven't seen before, that's for sure!

  6. much nicer than those huge, looming things we often see, and especially well-suited for the smaller space...


  7. It wouldn't work in my kitchen Stefan, however I know many homes where it would!

    Giveaway by Beth Cosner Design is up on my site....come visit!

    Art by Karena

  8. Good for the non-cooking kitchen. It will get obviously dirty even if you don't cook. I think adding a bottom, water and fish would be just as practical and still one of a kind.

  9. utterly in love with that. they will tell you it is impractical,you say-there are so many things that are. Some cook-some design. Few real culinary aesthetes worry about the clean up.thank you for pointing it out. pgt

  10. Oh man that's chic! You've got a good eye.

  11. Fantastic, yes! lean and beautiful, yes! impractical yes, yes, yes! perfect in that space, absolutely! having said that, Brazilians have easy access to cheap(sad)labor. One or 2 persons have a job in that house at the very least. Great image. Merci.

  12. I love that! Its simply beautiful. Very inspiring I think. I am imagining the lines of that hood in other applications!

  13. It's hard to tell from the picture, but I very much doubt that fan is up the job.

    So asking your staff to stand on your stove every morning is probably the least of your problems.

  14. I am thinking the hood came with a cleaning lady. In Brazil, most homeowners can still hire help at very low cost. Very impracticle for a regular american household though. It reminds me of the hoods in the genetics labs while I was in school.

  15. That is all sorts of cool but who is cleaning it? Not me.

  16. This was my favorite, favorite thing (in a very good issue, too, chock full of excellence). So glad to see it here. It's the purity of the gesture; at once modern and classic...utterly simple yet ridiculously elegant. The more I looked at it, the more it felt like art (perfectly installed).

  17. Totally impractical! The lines are interesting, though. I wonder if the same simple aesthetic could have been achieved with an opaque material. Also, I am not sure I like the scale. Too big.

  18. My kids would be writing (with grease) "Clean Me" if we had a glass hood. I do think it is beautiful though.

  19. I, a cook, do not think this is as impractical as many commented. Being able to see to clean is a good thing. This is brought to you by a woman who intends to panel her kitchen in sheet mirror!

  20. A wonderful designer. And always glad of the people who make the point that everything has a context, as opposed to the crowd that thinks if you like one thing, you can't like another...

  21. Oy, well I love good clean lines, I'm not sure this is the right spot for clean lines?? Nothing else in the space is sleek and modern.. and lets be real, the practicality is silly.. I think it's a mistake..


  22. We just put a bunch of beautiful subway tile on the stove wall in the kitchen that is now going to be covered up by a big old stainless hood...I have to say...someone was thinking with this glass design!


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