Saturday, March 6, 2010

Palais Royal garden

Spring is in the air this morning. After a long hard winter, I can hardly wait for the first buds to flower here in DC.
One of my favorite memories of Paris this past fall was having lunch at the Palais Royal in the gardens. The roses were the most fragrant I have ever smelled!
Spring, come quicker so I can take some time to smell the roses!


  1. I organise a trip to Paris and a three day historical walking tour of the sights linked to the French Revolution every year. My favourite place is Palais Royal. It is so peaceful and old worldly, yet it is in this very spot that the revolution really began. Thanks for your lovely photos.

  2. Stefan, you read my mind across the Atlantic: I was just thinking of my upcoming trip to Paris, and how I was looking so forward to hitting the Palais Royal again. Always a must. What I love, too, is that although it's right in the centre of town, if you don't know about it you'll completely miss it, i.e. it's not overrun with tourists at all. And how romantic the place is, too. How about owning one of those attic-level apartments...?
    Have a good weekend,

  3. The rose has been an inspiration for so many. I love the way spring can inspire so many of our senses to come alive. Gorgeous images!

  4. Very beautiful and on the other side of the world, I'm so glad that Autumn has arrived!

  5. Very beautiful and on the other side of the world, I'm so glad that Autumn has arrived!

  6. Stunning bloom. These are definitely gardens to aspire to. David.

  7. definitely one of my favorite places in paris...i have fond memories of napping around the fountain in the sun after 2 months of dreadful cold rain.

  8. I can smell the pepper like aroma now, love roses. Spring is on the way.



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