Saturday, December 5, 2009

A cozy Christmas

I saw this display in the window of the Dupont Circle Benetton store and really thought it was cute: miniature sweaters on a tree! Thats a knitting project for you! I'll be decorating my tree this weekend, anyone else?


  1. Yes! No tree (no room for one in our 650 sqf apt), but garland with 1930's pink ornaments on the mantel. A rosemary bush in a cache pot come close though!

  2. I am in the middle of decorating my eighth of ten trees. I am exhausted. Never again!

  3. I've knit baby hats and baby sweaters, but nothing as small as these! They're adorable.

    Have fun tomorrow. Wish I could be there.

  4. I usually love this time of year and decorate the yard and the entire house, bake etc. This is the first time I donot want any part of it here. I am getting away. HO! HO! no spirit here.

    The tree is darling.

  5. I actually have a little sweater ornament I bought at Anthropologie about 12 years ago. Red & beige on a little metal hanger!

  6. So sweet, love those new ideas every year!

    Our tree is pretty family style, have a look, I posted it @ the last day of November: Welcoming December!
    We actually will bring the tree in next week, those pictures are Xmas past!!!

  7. How cute is that! I cannot even knit! I no longer do a tree in my condominium, however put out Santas, village, wreaths, candles etc! It still looks very festive!


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