Friday, July 24, 2009


With Habitually Chic 's and my trip to Paris fast approaching, I've been thinking about what to pack. Naturally, as an architect, my sketchbook is one of the first things I thought of. Now, warning -I am not a gifted sketch artist, I'm obviously no PVE! Rather, it's a way for me to work out what I'm seeing and take time to concentrate on the details - whether it be ideas in my head, something I'm seeing in my travels or sometimes even an image from a magazine.
I've used these Rhodia pads for years now,the 6"x8" size: this is my actual sketchbook scanned in! I love the Rhodia pads because they have graph paper, I love a straight line and need all the help I can get! This one is not too banged up yet but wait till after Paris. I typically fill up one a year but I may need a new one just for this trip! So here is a little tour of some of the highlights in my current sketchbook.
A 'modified' poolhouse from the book Tiffany's palm beach.A party pavilion idea that I got from a recent party by Mary sketchesan idea for a house sketched on the subwaya field survey with measurements
yet another house idea with quotes in my head that are jotted down at the bottom....A doorway in a house museum sketched quickly while I tried to walk along with the group!
a little seaside cottage ideaidealized sketch of garden & conservatory from a recent magazine.
Idea for a dressing room closet systemchair designs
House at the beach on Cape Cod last yearweird axonometric drawing of a neoclassical house - worms eye view I supposeplan of a NY penthouse apartment


  1. I love Rhodia pads. I first discovered them on a trip to Montreal years ago. I love the grid format. I have a great little spiral notebook I bought in France that I am using as a work notebook now. It's got a movable plastic book mark page with all sorts of conversions on it. Hugely helpful!

    Your sketches are wonderful and I am dead jealous!

  2. I discovered the pads while in college -funny enough though my professors all hated them -they said the grids confined our imaginations LOL. We were required to keep a sketchbook for studio so I had to keep a 'fake' one with the rhodia being for personal use!

  3. This is the best ever! Good sketching, good thinking, good drawing - all of it terrific.

  4. Lovely sketches .. . I do envy your
    quick sketch ability!


  5. Your shetching ability is wonderful!
    What a lovely little pad to push pencil to!
    Graet lil renderings! Bravo!
    Have a good weekend!

  6. It was great to see some of your sketches...I could look at architectural sketches all day long! Love the Kalorama townhouse.

  7. Thanks everyone!
    TTI,Kalorama is my favorite neighborhood here in DC!

  8. great sketches, stefan. i admire your confident hand! and your patience- i can sketch a chair, but a whole building facade? fuggedaboutit!

    thanks for the tip, too- i'm going to look for the rhodia pads- i've never used them!

  9. thanks, maison! Definitely check out the pads. Best part is they're really inexpensive too!

  10. Oh, I am flattered, and I am in love with your sweet sketches. I always suggest to those that admire my drawings to start with a graph lined paper, there is something less threatening than that of plain paper.

    I also love leather bound sketchbooks and micron pens. I can hardly wait to see what you see in Paris!

  11. I love your sketches- you should definitely have an exclusive- Paris Sketchbook.(by the way-just thought,there is a wonderful book by the name) la

  12. Thanks for these. I prefer sketches over almost anything. You can "see" things that no photograph can pick up.

    One of my design friends throws them away when he's done with them. I beg him not to. Another has bookshelves with a lifetime of amazing sketchbooks. He can't understand why anyone would be interested.

    So, I hope you throw yours away! How about a new blog for one-a-day sketches. You probably already have enough for a lifetime.

  13. I love how you shared these with us! The first one - love it! I could see it next to a pool. Hope you make this a regular feature to show us every so often. Thanks!

  14. I hope you DON'T throw yours away that is.


  15. Love the "sketchiness" of it all. And, as mentioned above, the confident hand—and eye.

    Like all above we look forward to Paris by AD. Have a great weekend.

  16. I envy you your trip in every possible way.

  17. Those pads are so wonderfully chic! I imagine that you will be putting it to quite good use while in Paris. And please do not sell yourself short when it comes to have quite the talent!

  18. Definitely great sketches! You underestimate yourself!

  19. have the enviable ability to see things in 3D!

  20. these are very cool !
    i love these little sketches of yours.

    i wish i were going to paris too

  21. Oh I wish that I could sketch.
    Such great work!
    I love it!

  22. Stephen--Did you always sketch or was it a skill that you picked up throughout university?

    I have a long standing debate with myself about whether sketching is solely an innate talent or something that could also be learned.

  23. you should be proud of yourself that you are in a career that you love and that allows you to use your inspiration and gifts. i enjoy my day job but hope to be a designer full time. love this post and getting a chance to peek inside your sketchbook. what a treat!

  24. Stefan, I must have missed this post but I am completely blow away. I love your hand, the sketches are beautiful. Your axon sketch is lovely.

    Never head of a Rhodia pad -- will go out tomorrow to pick one up now. Thanks for the tips!


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