Saturday, April 4, 2009


What makes you happy? Do you have little things in your life that just bring a smile to your face? Everyday at work, I drink my morning tea out of this colorful 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' over-sized mug. Totally cornball, I know -but it's the little things!
Speaking of little things, even the inside has detail; It reads "I'm just crazy about Tiffany's!".
Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Fun mug!

    Watching the birds bathe in my container water garden in the mornings makes me happy. I also must confess that buying flowers for my garden can make me quite giddy at times. Yes, I'm rather easily entertained.

  2. As a Brit, the expression 'cornball' is new to me. I think I can guess what it means and I'm going to use it now. Cheerful post, thanks.

  3. enjoy the weekend...

    i went to see michael jackson collection here in ireland before it goes to auction and part of teh display was audrey hepburns dresses and set items from the movie breakfast at tiffany's...

    was great to see it all...

  4. That is one of my all time favorite movies. I love the mug!

  5. it should say; " nothing bad ever happens to you at TIFFANYS.'
    ...remember...she says that in the movie right after she says;
    " i just love TIFFANYS."

    i believed her.

    any hooch, i think you are just tormenting me showing that mug AGAIN !!

    u r 'Z BEST'
    love, moi xx

  6. Dawn, that sounds really relaxing! I'm easily entertained as well (seriously, a mug??) but thats the way to be!
    Rose, I didn't realize it was an Americanism! It's a rarely used word -think old
    Custard, how fun! I need to look up the contents of the auction, I didn't know anything so interesting was involved!
    YSL, it's a favorite movie of Renee's and mine as well - I had originally photographed the mug one day at work to email to her as a pick me up!

  7. Did you know my friends called me Holly Golightly for the many years I lived in New York. Doesn't that mean you should send me that little mug?
    Loving the blog as ever...
    xo xo

  8. i will pass on some of my pics to you...i'm a massive fan of his music so i managed to get to wear his hat from the billy jean video, and get my hands on his jacket and rhinestone trousers...

    on another note - i gave you a mention on my blogg today

  9. I love your mug! Sometimes it's the little things that can make me the happiest!

  10. I think I'll get a cat and name him Cat now! I just love this post and I adore the movie. We have so many of the same loves!

  11. Truly, the little things add value.
    Love your cornball mug. You need a "Snoopy" one too.


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