Monday, March 30, 2009

Pretty Lovely Things

Last week I met Samantha from the blog 'Pretty Lovely Things' here in DC for coffee and to chat about design and blogging. She's a local interior design student and has recently started a really great blog about her many interests: fashion, art and design included. Read about our conversation online at her blog HERE
Thanks, Sam!


  1. I'm off to check out her blog now! Thanks for the great find! I just love your blog and your posts! Always fun and right up my alley! :)

  2. Stefan,
    that is what I love about you, you always are so open, so sharing and always thankful for the gift you have, blogging all about your love for Architecture and Design. Oh the people we meet and the places we go!

    (You are the most loyal commenter - I love your comments!)

  3. I am a D.C. design blogger and I wasn't invited to coffee! ;) I really enjoy your blog.

  4. Thank you, Paris and Pve!
    SR2, I was the invitee!! Next time it will be us!

  5. Bonjour my Friend! I just had to stop in to say thank you for your beautiful words to me yesterday! I love your blog too! I have to admit I am a bit envious of all of the beautiful locations around you and in walking distance! You have the most amazing eye and such a talent! I'm lucky to have found your blog as you inspire me so!


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