Saturday, December 20, 2008


I hope you all enjoy your snowy weekend!! It's starting to feel a lot like Christmas :-)
Image of Carnegie Mellon University campus


  1. I am flying to the Burgh tomorrow if the weather cooperates. Any chance you will be there???

  2. I love the form of trees in the winter...nice shot.

    Have a nice weekend!

  3. I know the snow can be a pain, but it is also so beautiful.
    Happy weekend!
    xo xo

  4. Love the photo. Merry Christmas! I am dreamin' for a white Christmas for sure!'s the wind...50 mph gusts...and below freezing temps.... yowsa!

  5. No snow for us, but some nasty black ice yesterday. Today's just bitterrrrr cold!

  6. Happy Holidays AD!

    We only have gray& wet Christmas's in Sacramento,California :-( Luckily for us, we're spending this Christmas in Lake Tahoe,Nevada at the in-laws home which always has a lot of snow. I hope you're enjoying the season.


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